
An episode of either Tales From the Darkside or Monsters that involved giant spiders. Gave me serious nightmares.

*checks IMDB*
Hunh, she was the nurse in that. But aside from that, the cast for TTDIDWYD is freakin' amazing.

Hey now Jenny McCarthy was good Nope, I guess she's just a dumb anti-vaxxer.

Man, Off the Map was such a huge misfire. Terrible, terrible show.

I hear E.R.B. and dinosuars and I think his Pellucidar books (especially the one that crosses over with Tarzan).

I loved Dichen Lachman and her Roulette, but I completely failed to buy her bulletproof thanks to connections ending. I mean she kidnapped the head of a federal agency. C'mon! Plus how exactly was she forcing J'onn and M'gann to fight? I mean they can fly, turn intangible, are telepathic, fire lasers from their

The show is actually a sequel to that one Fallout Boy video.

*pours one out for the one true Uncle Buck. Also happy birthday Mr. Evil President.

Mike O'Maley was the best part of the first couple seasons of Glee. Even beating out Jane Lynch.

I'll guess at Pitch, because the roommate likes it. And on Tuesday.

*Gives Les all the upvotes cause Sherlock IS inferior to Elementary*

Franken should convene a Congressional hearing to get to the bottom of this. Also to have Fey testify about how many of her movies are worse than "Stuart Saves His Family".

Mummies don’t conjure plagues and stalk the living

New Future Quest #6 , no new characters but we do see what Space Ghost has been doing Lumberjanes #31 and Savage Dragon #217 which has three black characters written by a white man (Malcolm Dragon, Spawn and Ant) discussing BLM and police shootings. Which is a more than a little disjointed.

The team-up was definitely the best part.

So the CW-DCU universe' Justice League is going to be the Detroit Era? Vixen & Steel here, Vibe on Flash, Martian Manhunter on Supergirl. If they can just add Cindy Reynolds to Arrow with a new non-racist name, they'll be all set.

Aaron's book and Christos Gage's Avengers Academy seemed to be the two books that were always willing to at least try and point some of the dumber points of various Event Crossovers.

Bakshi is great on the commentary track for Wizards. That is, if you enjoy listening to an animator just rant on and on about Disney.

Mermaids? That one is pretty bad. Or that episode of Friends where she is Rachel's college friend?

#3 Italia Ricci made an impression as Siobhan/ Silver Banshee last season on Supergirl.