
For the trades it sounds like they should reprint them in the back. Kind of the way Carla Speed McNeil does the annotations for collected volumes of Finder.

I think not sticking the landing on his high-concepts has become a somewhat common Ellis failing. I remember being disappointed in Freak Angels' ending.

No new trades this week, but I did get my delayed issue of Howard the Duck #11. Though I thought it was ending with #12?


Disney Cartoon with nothing bu dinosaur themed characters. Bring back Reptl!

Kid Gladiator, Son of Gladiator was pretty cool.

Things I learned from Power Pack
1. Ponies are the best.
2. Magic, space ponies are EVEN MORE the best.
3. The Norse Gods make for adorable toddlers.
4. Katie Power is the scariest Venom.
5. Also the Four Fundamental Forces of Physics. Drawn by Colleen Coover.

Also Deadpool.

Despite her baby thieven' ways Ed would have been a much better Sheriff for the last too many years than Arpaio.

Early ballot is in the mailbox right now. C'mon AZ Democrat long shots.

Right now the Good Place, but that could change if I ever get to catching up on Atlanta or Better Things

*checks imdb*
Looks like yes, but nothing he'd want to admit to.

Richard Ruxburgh is obviously the most extraordinary Moriarty possible.

I really wanted to like Eastwick 'cause I deeply love Paul Gross. And I'm always up for even a little bit of Sara Rue. But nope.

I was going to go hard against that whole Bander ship, but then I realized that Buffy had already died a couple times so maybe that works to get around the Deadly Curse of Xander.

How is Tom Petty not best known for his Oscar-worthy cameo in the Postman?
ETA: D'oh. Beat to the joke.

Viggo Mortensen clears the very high bar of being creepier than Christopher Walken in the Prophecy. Until I saw him in LotR I figured they actually just hired Satan.

I caught an episode of the IFC show Favreau used to have which was him having dinner and conversation with people he wanted to have dinner and a conversation with. This one had Burt Reynolds and the pair of them talked about what it was like to do scenes with actual football players and get knocked around by them.

Jon Favreau may be money but he should always feel shame for Cowboys Vs. Aliens. Just like one of my normally favorite writers Fred Van Lente should feel double shame for writing the original comic version. SHAME FOR ALL.

Chris Kattan IS Monkeybone. Or Corky Ramano. Either way the Middle should bring him back if only to ensure he doesn't have time to ever make a movie again ever.