
Byrne's Satan is wonderful in Arnie-Jesus aka End of Days. I just wish his character wasn't an idjit. I mean the Satanists HAVE the baby who will grow up to be the anointed one that Satan must boink and make the antichrist. I think that was the plot anyway its been awhile. But anyway, they've got the baby. And

Something about the Water Knife just made me constantly angry while reading it. Maybe it was having my home being turned into a dystopian dust pit. But I've enjoyed other Bacigalupi books without having that kind of negative reaction.

Whenever J. Michael Straczynski trips on his own writing excesses I always forgive him and give him another chance. 'Cause he wrote the G.I. Joe episode where Stormshadow the Cobra Ninja gets Excaliber aka the Crowning Moment of Television Forever

Is the Grey the Liam Neeson one where he uses his particular skill set to fight wolves?

Now that bingeing Daredevil season 2 is no longer taking up my time, moved on to Jeff Vandermeer's "Area X" trilogy.

General kind-of-selfish, reads-too-much Ayn Rand Libertarian? Or late Ultimate Warrior What The Fuck Was That level Libertarian?

I'm surprised Shore Leave remembers anything about New York City given how liberal they were with the memory eraser during the Sphinx period.

I've been on a Tamora Pierce push lately, diving into her YA Circle of Magic books. Also started the book version of Hap & Leonard<\i>, Savage Season since it was a Kindle deal of the day and I only got to catch the first episode of show during a Sundance free preview.

Just set aside a bland, over-written vampire/thriller called Once Bitten by Stephen Leather at about the half-way point. Before that a Marvel tpb, Vengeance by Joe Casey & Nick Dragotta which got lost in the shuffle of the various Dark Reign/Spider Island/etc event books. Has a pre-Young Avengers Ms. America. Next

"Cloud 9 isn’t anti-union; it just believes that unions are for people whose employers don’t listen to them"
This is almost word-for-word something the middle management for the company that owns my hotel job has said.

If it weren't right there between the rest of ABC's Wednesday sitcom line-up I likely would have dropped it from my dvr to free up the timeslot for something else. Its not so terrible I won't play it as background, but not so good I'll be looking forward to it…

Prophet has always been a difficult book to try and sell to the uninitated. Its weird and glorious and weird and violent and sprawling and manages to turn Diehard, Badrock and friggin' Troll into interesting characters.

Its obviously a +5 Wig of Super Sayian Psychic Empowerment

Now I'm seeing a Fringe/PoI mash-up on Netflix. Mostly to add John Noble to the cast. Then I remember this is possibly Elementary's last season and so now want Elementary of Interest. Sherlock/Joan teamed with Finch/Root/Shaw to fight evil A.I.s across multiple worlds. Plus the wacky mystery solving hijinx of

It matters to me, my dvr can only record two shows at the same time. Tuesday has too much stuff…

Santa With Muscles

I wonder what would happen IRL if you plead mercy on a hotel in a case
like theirs. I'd like to think the hotel would reduce the bill by a bit,
especially since room service and minibar is such a high mark-up
anyway. I was just curious if anyone has encountered this in reality

I'm sooooo glad everyone is soooo happy. Hugs for all!

Now be fair. Juliana did akido flip a dude to death.

I've sadly read that fanfic