
BCS is excellent but I can’t join the “better than Breaking Bad” bandwagon. It’s like 70% as good, for me (though that still makes it one of the best few dramas on TV right now). Breaking Bad moved with ruthless purpose even when it was going at a slow pace; there was very little fat on it. Whereas sometimes Saul gets

What’s crazy is in Texas the owner would have had the legal right to kill you both, regardless of your intent.

We’ve reached out to the Dallas Police Department to ask what a “full shift” means

So she staged a home invasion and murdered the legal resident? Why is this person not in jail?

I could be totally way off base, but it could also be the realization of the scope of what she’s in for looking at all the those models. She’s nearly worked herself to death for Mesa Verde up to this point, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg with their aggressive expansion plans. It’s just 10 times more of the same

I like it, but at the same time, I would also liked for this development not to come so out of the blue. Like, did she realize she was dissatisfied with the meat and potatoes of bank lawyering, something until that moment she fiercely pursued fully knowing what it entailed, while looking at those model buildings? That

I’m so used to Jonathan Banks playing Mike as cold, calm and emotionless that it was really striking to see his facial expressions during Marc Evan Jackson’s bullshit. Mike looked like he was about to literally devour the guy.

Depends how much they are actually paying for that and how much profit they make during inventory week. From the looks of traffic at the rest of the mall, it may be low rent. Still, I’d love to have a job like that where the boss gives permission for you to bring a book and get paid to read.

I wonder if you’ve ever gotten a call like that before...

I JUST NOTICED! The Bavarian Boy can also be seen in Breaking Bad s04e03 at the open house Marie pretends to be a divorcee in!  Interesting!  What DOES IT ALL MEAN 

I couldn’t disagree with you more there. I absolutely do not think Jimmy’s a sociopath. If he were, he would have played the old woman in the assisted living without any sense of guilt. Nothing he’s done fits in with what I know about the clinical manifestations of being a sociopath or a psychopath. Jimmy’s not a

Speaking of killed off BB characters, BRING BACK Gale Boetticher!!

I’m not sure if ‘filler’ is the right word. The episodes tend to feel too short, not too long. But you’re right that the pacing can be frustrating. With every scene, the wheels of the plot are always turning, but slowly. Breaking Bad was like a rollercoaster starting at the top of the hill and then plunging viewers

I am a little ashamed to bring up the most nit pickey of nit picks, but the back splash tile in Jimmy and Kims kitchen is so 2015+ style it drives me nuts. You go into any new suburban model home, they have that exact same look. It wasnt around so much in the early naughites, but its ubiquitous now.... normally this

Yeah, that whole thing read to me like she was transferring. Like how she snapped at the mesa verde lady after taking down Chuck.

Deep down I think she realizes what Jimmy is and is increasingly unable to hide it.

Remember, everyone, not only do we have to worry about what happens to Kim before Breaking Bad begins, we also have to do the same with Nacho. What a look on Michael Mando’s face when Gus puts the leash on and tells him that he’s is. Yikes.

Kim’s explosion tonight reminded how much scarier quiet characters are than loud, exuberant ones, because when you finally see them crack it’s TERRIFYING. Her rage, paired with Howard’s cracking voice, makes me hope Fabian and Seehorn get a pair of Emmy noms this year.

but before he can drop them down a grate in the warehouse yard

“Shut the fuck up, and let me die in peace.”

Why is Daddy and Daddy fighting?