
“We thought you were a stallion!”

“I love beef pot pie, and only kind of like carrots.”

As someone who knows nothing about estate laws or next-of-kin procedures for California, even I can watch this unfolding and know that this is NOT how it works. I’m happy to suspend my disbelief for tv shows, but the show has to at least try and meet me halfway.

A Ph. D is a doctorate. It’s literally describing a doctor. No. The problem here is that medical practitioners have co-opted the word “doctor”. I know we live in a world where aaaaaanyyhing can mean anything. AND NOBODY EVEN CARES ABOUT ETYMOLO...

“Banksy the vandal?”

Lazy ethnic jokes? Maybe Jian-Yang is offensive to your wokeness and white guilt, but as a Chinese-American person who was a born and raised in an Asian community with a significant immigrant population like Jian-Yang, I find his portrayal to be hilariously accurate.

Oh, Audrey Pence, the one who is not involved in the Pence book? Fuck off, dipshit. Don’t come into an article about master trolling with this weak shit. It’s insulting to the craft.

Well they’re perfectly fine with their book tour making a stop at Focus on the Family. Let’s not act like Mike Pence’s fucked up values are contained exclusively to him.

Pence’s book will sell millions more copies as a result of this.

The Polish version of SNL suffers comedically due to its emphasis recurring themes of loss, the absence of light and warm, the yearning for human connection, and haunting visions of the legacy of the holocaust.

It’s also possible that Get Out, while being a heck of a good movie, wasn’t Best Picture.

I’m saying I am over the idea that voting for a movie is a betrayal of the values, politics, milestones and even sincerely felt emotions the other movies encompass.

Sometimes, we just like some shit better and you can only vote for one.

On one hand, I think the snub towards “Get Out” was more due to Jordan Peele being sort of a “rookie” in the big screen movies and Oscars’ game. Almost like the Academy was saying “Yep, we recognize you got talent, but you still have to prove yourself, and there’re a lot of other people who we need to compensate for

I agree the Oscars is an unwatchable industry circlejerk, and that Get Out was worthy of Best Picture (and I have no doubt plenty of fuddy-duddy racist voters held it back).

The Shape of Water was as worthy a winner as any of its competitors. Social significance doesn’t guarantee an award that is meant to reward craftmanship and artistry.

Motherfucking Guillermo DelTorro made a genre film about a woman falling in love with a Fish God Best Picture! The man is a God among Nerds!

In fairness, he’s just saying he thinks it’s good-but-overrated, he’s not denying its right to exist. We don’t need to respond to every slightly less-than-orgasmically-glowing statement about the film by essentially yelling “WELL DON’T WATCH IT THEN!!!!!”

Uh huh.

I agree with your overall point but we did also see him senselessly murder his girlfriend and pick up a woman by her throat in the garden.

I feel like we’re celebrating a decent movie so enthusiastically largely because of the stench of most of what’s come before it. Like the movie he’s in, Killmonger is a decent villain played by a decent actor, which compared to the mostly lousy movies and villains we’ve seen from Marvel has been very refreshing.