
Paging Anywhere I Lay My Head
We have some reports of Vangelis clouds, please confirm.

RIP, Don Meredith
Without you the NFL wouldn't be what it is today.

They should get a sponsorship from a bath and beauty product. Then Raven's catchphrase could be "Trigon, take me away!"


Emailed for the first time myself. I hope this gets picked up! It's such a good show.

Picture on Maggie's desk
Did anyone else notice the picture on Maggie's desk of a black baby? I wonder if we'll be learning more about that.

You ass! You should have mentioned that Kirby introduced Machine Man in his comic adaptation of 2001.

Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman.

What's tearing me up is that he was only 47 — I really think that he still had his best work to come.


Chances might be mediocre, but the ladies will be either awesome or crazy.


I believe the SS got that from the Persians, EK.

A good run. Thanks for being who you were, Tuli.

Teena Marie beats 'em both
The Ivory Queen of Soul for the win!

Look at the first column in the series for the criteria they used. "Heathers" fits under those rules.

I stopped by to see if Biastioc might have something to say about nudity, but had to join in the "Adventure Time" love. That show is 6 million kinds of awesome.

Nope, the Rathskeller in the old Kenmore Square in Boston.

Bad Brains at the Rat, night of Bill Buckner's Boner.
I got arrested, too.

Nowhere near as lucky as a bird, RagingBear.