
Is that a shipping container house?

College has been gaslighting everyone on the value of college education while blowing out administration salaries, gaudy buildings, and student loans. The sports gaslighting is amateur leagues compared to the fraud of the owning institutions. It’s rounding error.

I think you're wondering about the newsletter that actually doesn't suck, as opposed to the one advertised not to suck.

3/8 is actually good. I mean, sure, you could go with quraters but feadspin is lazy. Max clicks for min effort! Sarcasn is admittedly hard work. By 3/8ths, you’ve probably eliminated all the pretenders. 8/10s will reduce to contenders for playoffs. Then do the usual find replace on the last few weeks.

The NFL really needs a second level and relegation. By mixing in three or four games between the two divisions it would give easier games to the first level players. The second division could play a shorter season to give them more rest. It would enable better development of quarterbacks. And it would get shirty

Low levels that get screwed by the econo.ics of tennis.

Counterpoint: hey assholes, we are destroying the planet, so don’t take the flu shot so there are less people destroying the planet.

All these things are true at any olive garden in Florida

Your envelope math disregards
- currently unexploited sources that just need economic demand to make feasible
- non-lithium battery technologies
- graphene

It might be pie-in-the-sky literally, but I think a lot of elemental availability will become moot once asteroid mining starts happening, which I think will happen

No talk about infrastructure, except, you know, Tesla. The small evil company that made EVs feasible partly by doing what no other big company would.

Sure they did. Threaten scientists with death if they fail.

But but but major manufacturers never screw up like this. Tesla bumper is because of tents! Toyota kanban!

Uh, no. Power to weight ratio. Same as jumping.

also see:

There’s a comment of a bro challenging a hot gymnast to punch him.

He is pretty good.

He’s no Barry Sanders.

The Metrodome roof cace in was an inside job, timed just in time for voting on the new stadium. I have no proof but the whole thing stunk of a fix 

Paoer warhawks. Both China and Russia still have nukes. They can deliver them by missle or suitcase. Treat anyone that can wipe you off the face of the Earth with a button press with some respect

The tsar Bomba begs to differ

Biofurls are great, but will require breakthroughs, which might also ovcur in battery / ultracap techs that don't need those metals.

Sure, in the short run, but the grid enables easier power source substitution than the ice based transportation sector.