
I can see my house from there!



Well I doubt they're recommending that you lick the coin

Believe it or not, you can put more than one line in a comment

The iPhone music app in iOS 6 looks a lot like the iPad music app in iOS 5

Anyone with dev access willing to activate my UDID for the beta (ideally for free)? I found the ipsw but need it activated. Thanks!

Maybe someone will port it to Cydia for us...eventually

Might be patented though...

My laptop charger is $60-$90 a pop...

Is this the iPad 2 too or just the new iPad?

That's still 10 or 20 designs versus 2 or 3

With the iPhone, there's 3 different models to case. With Android or WP7, there's thousands of models

I've heard they taste just like snozberries

But does it come in snozberry?