
A majority of your complaints have a simple solution: use Desktop for your weather-checking and word-processing. (Salt water is also a simple solution, but that's irrelevant in this situation (sorry, couldn't resist playing on that))

If Windows 7 was any indicator, this will last at least until final (Septemberish)

And cue ban hammer in 3...2...

Vote: MAC's CyanogenMod 9 for Optimus One

I feel like we saw this same design right before the 4S, but I'm too lazy to try to find it

I think a better term than infinity would be something along the lines of infinitely uncountable

You're probably right, I can't remember anything that happened before yesterday

Vote: SketchbookX/Express

Being afraid of every new technology may or may not be harmful too, but that obviously doesn't stop you

Sounds like you just got told

In the US, most display models in the stores have the icemakers built in but if you ask the salesperson, you can get it without ($60+ cheaper)

You just got told.

I can tell

Apple doesn't believe in doing anything as complicated as #1

Holy technical terms!

My code is C++.

My health teacher always called this portion distortion

Fast food?