I live eternally frustated because even Mexican films are full of white people -.-
I live eternally frustated because even Mexican films are full of white people -.-
Yes! That's the other show I. I just couldn't remember the name (damn lack of sleep!). I was pleasantly surprised. It'd be nice of Big Bang Theory and New Girl would take a hint. I love those two shows, but the writers cannot write a non-stereotypical Hispanic character.
That's not really true. Runway models tend to have more distinct features, but all catalog models are generally just the forgettable brand of very pretty.
I appreciate your candor - and it's... well, maybe not *nice*, but it is heartening to know that some dudes understand how time-consuming and tricky personal grooming can be!
If you altered your statement to "homeschoolers have daily interactions with people that aren't related to them or go to their church" you'd be excluding a good portion of homeschoolers. I'm glad it worked for you and I'm sorry that you probably weather more than your fair share of shit for something that a. wasn't…
Well I included the link in case you or anyone else was curious about what they actually say. I don't think they are too proscribed and they leave room for very diverse approaches.
You should do what my dad did and supplement your kid's education with information that isn't blatantly racist and sexist. I would come home from second grade talking about Thomas Jefferson and my dad would be like, "I bet they didn't teach you about how he fucked his slaves." Plus I bet you'd learn some cool stuff…
So I'm currently pregnant, and therefore full of opinions about how children should be educated (I only wish I were joking)
A lot of it is really up to the individual, and is as much (if not more) cultural than religious. Hijabs, in particular, are really a woman's choice. I have an equal number of women in my family that do wear hijab as those that don't. Those of us that do not wear hijab ( I am not Muslim, but my family is) tend to wear…
It's hard to say. I'm not familiar with the activities of gang members, circa 2014, but I was a little more familiar in years past. As best I can tell, ANY garment of any kind that can be worn can (and will) be worn in gang colors. Rosaries, for example, have been used as gang identifiers. The way you keep the…
It doesn't always have to be an outright random assault like this though. For many groups harassment, suspicion, and general unfair treatment is very, very common and the positive interactions *don't* outweigh the negative.
Indeed. Have your older brother, husband, or father pick you up from work after 5 pm in the winter. Otherwise you're rapebait. But also hate Muslims for treating their women in the exact same way you recommend. Because freedom.
I'm a white, straight, working class girl who stays informed about stuff like this. I've had both positive and (mildly) negative interactions with the police, and I can definitely see how obviously race/gender/class played into each scenario. The people I interact with since I've emigrated are now mostly middle…
The comments on these sorts of articles are always interesting. They're a great insight into who implicitly believes that the police are a benevolent force for good, and who believes that the police are an oppressive and corrupt institution; who sees these crimes as new and a relative aberration, and who sees these…
I don't care if one is gay or straight, any partner worth a long-term commitment should be an equal compliment, who not only provides us with support and love, but also challenges us to seek out what's best within us; not some shallow, subservient, sycophant, with no thoughts, dreams, or ambitions of their own. I…
I often wonder who these people are. They are never in happily married relationships like I am. Nope. They're often divorced, single, or with someone who really could do better. I did well for myself.
Fuck the 'no short hair cut' thing. Maybe it's because an early love of mine sported more of a pixie cut, but I've always found it attractive. The whole 'men only love long hair on a woman' bullshit is as cultural as it gets.
The disgusting is that these lists tell women how to be perfect understanding supportive surrogate mother porn stars in order to get and keep a boyfriend, while the corresponding lists tell men how to act like a dick to get laid.
Awwww, the poor writer only made one little mistake, and it's a common one. He wrote that men will never understand women, but what he meant was that BOYS never do understand women. In the process of maturing into men, boys come to learn that understanding women is actually quite straightforward. Women are human…