
Good on her! I was sexually abused by my fifth grade teacher, and my sleazebag Stepfather in the 80's. They both got away with it, although my teacher was prosecuted for molesting another kid. MY EX-Stepfather was a University professor, so no one believed me. Being a guy made it worse. My balm is that the fucktard is

Unless you have been a victim of sexual abuse, especially by someone you trusted, someone who was never punished, who never apologized, shut. the. fuck. up. I was abused by a cousin at the age of 9 and he never admitted it and never apologized. Luckily karma caught up with him and died in his 40s. No one who hasn't

So I guess rape apologists only come out to troll when it's a male rapists.

Termination appeal hearings are usually administrative matters that don't follow the rules of evidence.

This is seriously one of the bravest things I've ever seen.

Jamie, you are my hero.

The SoL may have run out on that woman's predation against Jamie X, but if she molested Jamie X, she most likely molested others more recently. If that is the case, let's hope they come forward and justice is done on this vile creature.

She used the venue because, like it or not, this is how we communicate with one another now. This is what you have to do to make people listen. I can't imagine the amount of courage it took her to do this. I also can't imagine the stomach-dropping feeling her abuser must have had when she heard her on the other end of

No excuse. Lots of people are sexually abused and don't go on to abuse others, myself included. What it did do was mess me up mentally to the point where I practically had a mental breakdown when my daughter was a toddler. I trusted no one around her, and it took a lot of therapy to get past that.

You must have missed the part (see: whole video) where this was about encouraging kids to eat healthily, drink water instead of soda and exercise regularly, right?

99% likely you're an asshole, probably 50/50 on being a little racist. But to be fair, even if you are, you're more a 2014-style racist though... a modern, thinking-man's kind of racist.

Yeah, being surprised by this shit just demonstrates being totally out of touch. It's absolutely a function of privilege. (I'd contrast that with being repulsed by this shit, which is a correct emotional response.)

It seems that way — if you're white. It's also fiercely fiercely segregated and this fact alone makes a lot of middle and upper class white people really racist in an ignorant way — like in terms of stupid assumptions and microaggressions. In terms of working class white people, there's almost a feeling of "they're

Mind blowing huh? A few months ago a gentleman called the newsroom I work in and said he wanted to come in with a tip. I told him I'm the only one working in the office that day and he's more than welcome to come in and discuss it with me. When he came in and looked at me, he stopped dead in his tracks and simply said

Come on now, you know the only racists are south of the Mason-Dixon line. And by Mason-Dixon line, I mean the Malcom X definition, which is everything south of Canada.

I read my comment back, and it sounded snarky as fuck to me (and I live for good snark), and I didn't mean to come off like that. I apologize for that. But I WILL say that it pisses me off that people either A. pretend this doesn't happen anymore ever or B. pretend it only happens on the internet. Sure, some people

No, it's not a good thing and you should just be grateful that you can live a life where you don't have to experience these kinds of the things. I'm from Boston, so I've been called a nigger to my face a couple of times. Happened to a good friend a week ago at his job, so he couldn't really do or say anything. And

Actually it's true, however it's much more difficult to photograph people with dark skin next to people with white skin than it is to photograph people with dark skin on their own (/photographer dad and black husband and in-laws- plenty of second-hand knowledge and experience!). And... I just don't think they did a

True story from a dark-skinned Black woman with Black hair: this has actually happened to me several times. I'll be at a friend's wedding or party or wherever. A friend will say, "picture time!" and I'll gather with friends to be photographed, usually, in these instances, with all non-Black friends. Pics will be

...and Black people tan too when they go on Mediterranean yacht vacations. I'm a lot darker in the summer than I am in the winter. I hate this Beyonce skin bleaching controversy, she is a light-skinned Black woman to begin with, Black people come in different shades.

Do people at Jezebel not understand photography and lighting? Must this be an issue every single time a person with some melanin has a photo shoot.