
Yes, a married person with few or even no friends is unlikely to face questioning regarding social skills compared to a single person with a satisfying number and quality of platonic relationships.

There ought to be a sarcasm font. Don't know what a double sarcasm font would be.

A girl with a black dad was killed in Newton.

I had never had such a mixed/semi-toxic friendship until moving to a city where I knew nobody. I also dated someone who was "meh" just to get through the winter doldrums and spend time with someone who wanted to spend time with me.

It has already begun. Being a minority means that you don't learn about bigotry as part of an intro class in college. It's not part of a "very special discussion" in middle school. It's something learned as a toddler. That's why I was a little sad to see the blonde barbie when none of those girls in the photo have

"Instead of honoring this sacred obligation [that all men have unalienable rights as stated in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence], America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

When a black person harms a white person, some may defend the black person, but that black person will likely feel the full effect of law enforcement.

And, when black people do join forces and create their own institutions, we are called racist for participating in the NAACP, historically black colleges and universities, and black-focused publications. When black communities created successful, separate Main Streets that were hubs of commerce (Rosewod, Tulsa), white

Acceptability also depends on context. If a television show, magazine, or some other form of media is targeted at a white female audience, showing a white woman with a man of color affirms the idea that white women are beautiful and desirable. However, when the audience changes, the perception may change.

Me too!

Ooh, so what about the marital status question? How is it relevant? Why are widowed, divorced and never married different categories?

I hope "moving forward" is not moving from USA-style racism to Latin-American-style colorism.

"The idea is that the more educated or the more successful black women become, the fewer opportunities they have to date black men, and therefore, they should expand their dating pool. It’s another more analytical, less stereotypical way of saying black men aren’t worthy enough to date so turn to someone else. "

I thought maybe, at least in the USA, socioeconomics plays a role. $$$—> thin—> more likely to eat a diet of real food, including butter instead of margarine, and the like.

I moved to St. Louis from D.C. after growing up in L.A. I felt as if I had aged 5 years due to the cultural differences in life stages. What woman wants to feel like she aged 5 years after taking a plane ride that is not a time machine!? This country is vast with many cultures and subcultures. When it comes to

This study seems more useful for those who want casual relationships. Due to a larger population and larger percentage of transplants, it's easier for people to have casual relationships in large cities.

Sometimes 0.7 seconds

Thank you for bringing up the fact that being called foul names at a social event where a person is trying to meet people is different from the same thing happening on the street.

No stats to back it up, but considering how women are called b*tches when they are direct, many women use non-confrontational, indirect forms of communication, which some people call deceit.

Exactly! Disrespecting boundaries is a red flag. Shy and awkward people are often focused more on themselves than on others, so they ignore or are unaware of the subtle responses of the object of their affection.