Patricia Elizabeth

Today at lunch I was talking with a coworker about how I can’t seem to work up the energy to date. I’d like to have someone but dating - lord. Just the idea of those first dates is tiring. Plus, part of my problem is that I’m also so fine with being alone. It means whenever I think, yeah, I should get out more, make

I especially loved how embarrassed Amy felt even though she was fully dressed. The way she played it was as if she’d gotten caught in some skimpy lingerie. such a great scene. 

Loved seeing Captain Holt’s portrait in the background. Terry Crews paints stuff needs to be a regular thing that I can watch all the time. 

Only something about The Good Place could compel me to watch a video. Every other time I’ve clicked through to realize it’s a video I immediately leave the page. A sign of how much I enjoy this show and the podcast. 

Scandal did it though I only read about it because I stopped watching the show during the first season. Can’t speak to how well they covered but I was glad for the storyline. 

My favorite scene of the episode. 

American Horror Story, I’m guessing. 

It’s not worse but I liked the inclusion of the line as it shows that the couple is aware that the children’s ethnicity and culture should be something they are attuned to and incorporate into their lives. Though granted, I’m reading a lot into the line but well meaning people who think they’re “saving” kids from the

I wanted to read about Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Also left disappointed. 

Followed that link, now I’m annoyed. I think I’m most annoyed by the person who claims to want more diversity and inclusion in shows but that having one more gay character on a CW show is just too much. WTH. I think that person doesn’t really understand the concepts he/she claims to be all in on.

This is one of my favorite shows and I’m so glad it’s coming back next season. Sherlock has been showing Watson that he loves her and feels she’s family all season and I’ve so enjoyed that. Can’t wait to see what the next season brings. The only thing that would make the show better is to have accompanying

Can’t be the dog. They would have to go another two seasons for Jay to properly grieve for that. 

Read in another article that the death will impact only a couple of episodes. Unless they do a time jump I don’t see how Jay’s death wouldn’t impact the whole season. (Same could be said for each of the main characters.)

Ever After includes one of the coldest responses ever given by a mother-figure. In response to Danielle’s question as to whether she ever loved her, the stepmother responds, “how does one love a pebble in one’s shoe?” That scene and that line delivery is so vivid in my mind. Houston just nailed it. This is one of my

I saw this hotel on a Netflix series about, well, extraordinary hotels last year and for some reason seeing it in the movie was a blast. The views from the pool are amazing. 

Oh I’ve watched it multiple times over now :) But, yes, I do tend to start my rewatches at season 2. Now that I’m a fan I don’t find season one as hard to watch but I still find myself skipping more often than not. 

Every time I think about watching it I get sad about all the seasons we didn’t get so I end up watching something else. 

I missed it on the first go round as well. Tried last year to binge it but those first few episodes were rough and so I bailed. Gave it another go this year and I’m glad I did because this is now one of my absolute favorite shows. And bonus! There are A.V. Club recaps. Finding those was a treat. 

I watched it. Unlike the first movie I doubt I’ll ever feel the need to watch it again but for $7 it was a good enough time. 

That the casting people chose her isn’t her “fault”, yes, but she’s choosing to do it. Maybe if she were an up and comer who felt that she couldn’t pass up an opportunity I might see my way to feeling not so negative about the choice but she’s not. By many accounts she’s a popular established bankable actor who could