
Wearing white for suffragettes!

A note saying, “Help Me, Please!”

‘Cause he had one hand in her pocket, and the other one was depositing all of her money in a Swiss bank account.

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,

Just buy it! It’s worth the price of admission. I’m in the minority on this, but the last bit of the game’s story does not undo the fact that it has the best gameplay and missions of the entire Trilogy, with some of the best moments from the amazing cast.

“In my mind, yeah. Because Tilda Swinton, who had no relationship with all before this, tapped her as the One Asian Friend and went from “hey, can we talk about this” to “oh wise Asian, please enlighten me as to how we can make the entire world a better place?”

If Swinton came in demanding Cho enlighten her I would 100% agree with your comment; I think burnout from being required to be a cultural ambassador is a very real phenomena that POC experience. But Swinton literally opened with the line: “Tell me to fuck off if you feel like it.” Did their conversation go 100%

I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.

“Its not my job to teach you even if you ask in earnest but fuck you for not knowing?”

“Can you hear me now?”

I bet it will be in tweet form.

Looks like another victim of a ...

Not really. He hit the social media lottery. There’s nothing remarkable or talented about him, but for some reason the planets alligned and tons of 5-12 year olds latched on to him. His content isn’t impressive in the slightest.

We’re about to have a conspiracy theorist running around in the White House.

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.

Welp, I’ll do my part. Never thought I’d be subscribing to PewDiePie, but it’s for a good cause.

Ugh, Lena Dunham: