Lumpy Idle

You put the wrong car as well ;)

Working in a McDonald’s is not, and should not ever be considered a career.

I don’t buy this bullshit argument and you know it’s a bullshit argument. You know there are more people working in McDonald’s than broke teens only looking for an entry career. You know there are people who are stuck in the shitty life of a McDonald’s employee because there aren’t other opportunities, or they’re

Funny, coming from someone who voted for the lying, pussy-grabbing POS Tweeter-in-Chief currently occupying the White House. What kind of idiot do you have to be to vote for that dipshit? I wonder how the Trumpers asking for FEMA assistance in Mississippi feel about him right about now?

If you voted for Trump I can very much assure you that I very much DO NOT want to discuss anything with you or any other Trump supporters. You guys have proven that whatever reality you believe in isn’t on this planet. Whenever rational, sane people alarmingly point out to you all of the really fucking obviously

“Sorry liberals, Trump gets to use the expansive Executive authority you ceded to Obama.”

You can’t argue with them man. Trump is what they look up to because they don’t have any power themselves. They’re sad and insecure and they think Trump is going to be a manly man and bring them back their jobs and their power they’re used to enjoying over other people. They want total power over women, minorities,

How fucking original. Snowflakes.

Yes, dropping conventional hardware on a tiny pissant country with no capacity for nuclear retaliation is the same thing as releasing a first strike world ending nuke.

Obama was never trigger happy with nukes

No, self-preservation.

Bombing with Lybia with B-2’s is a bit down on the horror scale than all out nuclear war. Your sense of proportion is in need of calibration.

I think the issue there is that DotA is a Valve game but it didn’t really come from them. That’s actually true of most of their titles: DotA, TF and CS started as mods that Valve bought out, Portal began as a student project, L4D came from Turtle Rock Studios, etc. The only property that’s natively Valve’s through and

I can’t even get excited about Valve anymore. Blizzard takes their sweet time doing things, and they only trickle out new IPs, but they’re always on top of their products; they constantly communicate with their fanbase; and you can expect new stuff—even if it’s from an old IP—frequently. Plenty of other companies are

Considering we don’t even recognize ISIS as a nation (nor should we), what exactly do you want Congress to declare war on? An idea?

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

This is one of the reasons I have any respect for Tax the Rich. They don’t feel the incessant need to justify where the money came from; we’re rich, we do cool shit, deal with it.

Italdesign BMWs are the best way to wake up.

Must disagree... the best part of waking up is Ford GT90 in your cup.

I’m feeling more like an Audi Avus morning.