Lumpy Idle

Those were the days when a few (dozen) lads could knock together a car for a few (million) quid and have a chance against the big dogs. Now it takes a few hundred lads and ladies and a large automaker to have a chance. I saw Senna race the later (?) Toleman at the 1984 Detroit GP. Apparently he retired, but I seem to

not a lot of D&D players here

Who in the history of the world has truly earned (As in: Deserved) that much money in the grand scheme of things?

"Some of the butt turrible pay drivers have more impressive lists of F3 and GP2 wins to their name."

He donated the extra to a single parent bear family.

Take that, everyone that didn't pick Nico for pole in Formula Oppo!

Realizing this truth made me hate Bernie Ecclestone more not because of what he did but because of the crushing realization that I couldn't manage to do the same thing.

for your information has 1 F,4 Os, 3 Rs, 1Y,1U,2 Is, 2Ns, 1F,1M, 1A,1T and 1I,


Considering how much they accomplish without Ford's cash pool, I am astounded by all of the greatness. Their designs are fantastic. Quality is great. For what they do, performance isn't too bad either. And the new Miata looks like a micro F-type.

I may be biased, but Mazda you glorious bastard, keep on keeping on.

Now playing

NSX, ITB, Tsukuba, induction noise... I win

Agreed - but on the part about the opinion being unpopular.

paris dakar hooned as well!


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Now let's see if China's "original" design can do short runway landings and takeoffs without falling apart like a 2$ Hong Kong Rolex!

very much so

Factory driver is the dream. Right now I'm focusing on enhancing my race craft with more powerful cars and building my team, Shea Racing, into a success enterprise and winning team. I love what Sarah Fisher is/has done... the only difference between me and her when it comes to business is I want to drive until they