
Same. It’s starting to affect my relationships with my male relatives. I absolutely adore them and then I wonder if that’s only when they’re around me. I hate the idea of thinking about these awful things about my dad, cousins, etc. because you can never be completely 100% sure.

I said it above, but he sexually harasses his CBS cohosts on-air regularly. Lots of inappropriate comments. Rather, tons.  

Wise words.

How many men that I have admired are going to turn out to be predators?

They raping everybody out here.

Seriously! Along with a second Franken accuser, Charlie Fucking Rose?!!!! Motherfucking hell, what an self-entitled asshole.

“I generally believe in holding up rape survivors and helping them to hold down their rapists but the first tenet of my politics is to hold up the people who have held me up, so if a guy has held me up and some lady is trying to hold him down because he held her down and raped her... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ”

Pete is my gorgeous boy.

Jessica Coen once grayed me for rewriting a headline on a Jez story after she specifically told readers to come up with something better (her headline was inaccurate, and for extra irony, it was on a story criticizing XOJane for an inaccurate headline). She changed the headline to the one I’d wrote, but she still

D’ya think LD is friends with the modest dressing, plain scientist actor gal who doesn’t get sexually assaulted because she is not Hollywood compliant, the one on “The Big Bang Theory?”

She’s dangerous. I know sometimes when a woman shows herself not to be A Perfect Feminist Jezebel (and us here in the comments too) have a tendency to jump on it, it has shades of that 30 Rock episode but Lena Dunham is fucking dangerous. Someone in another thread mentioned these comments will end up being used

Yes she is such fucking scum and the living embodiment of the white feminist stereotype.

I have one particular conservative friend that repeats all the patriarchal misogynist crap some of her male family members have drilled into her. I haven’t given up on her and I won’t go into the complexities of the friendship here, her politics are just one side of her.

Yesterday at the library I had to have a long circular conversation with a patron who is convinced that A) he does not have to bathe and B) our staff is lying about him when we say he is simply too stinky to have in the building until he bathes and changes his clothes. He cannot be convinced that he stinks, because he

It costs more money than you think for a union to do outreach and organize a non-union industry. Hours and hours of labor goes into it. I’m not saying I’m not disappointed, but I’m not entirely surprised.

soccer and professional basketball players are gross as well? ?Ballerinas?

Fun fact Black women tend to get paid less than White women. Fun fact Colorism is a problem outside of sex work. Fun fact sex work no more any other job is about personal value.

This is why I hate heavy labor (construction, drilling, mining, commercial fishing, truck driving, military jobs) in general. When you sell your body, you are the product. Your self worth and personal value is literally monetized. It’s gross. Don’t sell your body!

Don’t shame women for survival work. Your comment only helps perpetuate the devaluing of sex workers. Women will rely on survival work as long as we suffer sexism, racism, colorism, transphobia. Fix that instead of calling sex workers “gross.” Come the fuck on.