
I've have times where my PC uses over 4 GB while playing a game, so I don't think 8 GB is unreasonable. I used to regret a little bit about getting 16 GB of RAM, but this made me feel better about my decision. I did it because I didn't want to have to risk matched RAM issues if I wanted to upgrade from 8 GB in the

Sorry, don't have a Wii U.

No way. They need to have miniature Lost Souls inside a pouch in the Pain Elementals.

I haven't played it in awhile, but didn't they go from sprites to 3D models in the second game?

I tried to get my GF to play this a few years ago, but she didn't like it =(

While the game is still pretty decent, the pathing AI drives me insane.

Only thing I liked about this game over Civilization was the ability to convert mindworms to your side.

I actually hated this game, because I couldn't figure out anything.

So happy that there'll be a Homeworld 3.

Angband > Nethack.

Hell yes! I love this game, and I still have both the boxed version of MechCommander 1 and 2.

Wait, if brown rice is nowhere near much better than white rice, why the hell am I eating brown rice?

Tyrian 2000

Are you going to eat a hat too? Because I'm pretty sure the PS4 preorders already surpass 2 million, worldwide.

I believe MS will have more exclusives as well. MS has the money (we can rebuild them).

I've eaten at Chipotle since 2000, in Texas and California. I've NEVER had them zone it, or roll it up the wrong direction.

They'll even sell you a new OS for it every 2 years. Every other iteration will be crap.

No way. Camera nipples > these.

Courthouses are cheap.

You're in the minority. You're the first person I've heard that didn't prefer the XL after using it.