
If my calculations are correct, she was single and lonely for approximately 75 years, and somehow her womb is 5000 years old.

It’s odd that in a high percentage of tv shows, I end up continuing to watch because I like the secondary characters rather than the leads. Haven’t done a statistical analysis on this, but it just feels like it happens to me alot.

Suits is actually worth watching because GINA TORRES. Also Sarah Rafferty and Rick Hoffman are pretty delightful. The young lead dude is store-brand vanilla extract, tho.

The writers made her have GHOST SEX with Denny! It was the worst story line possible and she shouldn’t lose her career for noticing.

If my calculations are correct, she was single and lonely for approximately 75 years, and somehow her womb is 5000 years old.

But did they make her sign a “no marrying royalty pledge????”

It really irritates me how the “difficult” reputation follows women around. You know what? Her storyline DID suck on Grey’s.

She and RDJ have talked about it on the Stern show a year or so ago and before. It’s not like this isn’t new stuff coming out.

Ehhh RDJ’s shit has been open and aired for a LONG time now. And I thought SJP’s statement was actually pretty great for some people to hear. I’ve known addicts and have known people who loved addicts. The hardest lesson in the world is accepting that you alone cannot fix them. Sometimes you have to just walk away.

I am saddened by the Jennifer/ Justin break up because I know how she will be painted in the tabloids for the next few years (so lonely! so unlucky! so barren!)...however, Justin....hello.

SJP just going ahead and airing everybody’s shit.

I just came here for the Vincent Adultman jokes and I was not disappointed.

IDK, it could also be three children stacked on top of each other, or perhaps several sheep.

Would you like an alcohol?

I went to the stock market today. I did a business.

She’s CLEARLY diversifying her wardrobe in an attempt to dodge the ACME Detective Agency!

Businesswise, this seems like appropriate business.

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is