
Not necessarily. I mean, yeah, it’ll be hard, I’m not going to pretend that it won’t. But if they split she’ll finally get to live a life where she isn’t constantly worried whether or not the kids will get fed, or if the money in the savings account is still there, or if she’ll have to have yet another blow out fight

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the only reason she hasn’t started divorce proceedings is she doesn’t want to have to support him after he moves out. Unless she is just so used to things as they are she hasn’t considered it that would be the main reason i would think of for not just bailing, that or knowing she

I understand what you’re saying, but at the same time if he really knows that ending this is the big picture best thing, he needs to say so. There is no person who “gets” to decide when it’s over. If this shitty marriage is her only rock then she needs help too, and this might be the way for her to get it.

Er, rereading I shouldn’t have said relatively unique, that is impossible. I meant to edit unique to relatively rare and didn’t quite finish. Now I can’t edit it.

I will say I get hipster-irritated by how often I hear ‘shenanigans’ lately. It was a word my sister and I used a lot growing up to avoid swearing (well, more the trouble you get into by swearing) and for most of my life it was relatively unique- everyone knew the word but you didn’t hear it a lot. Now it’s so much

Heh, I don’t know how old you are, but we said “she’s rocking that <insert thing>“ when I was in High School in the nineties, so that one might be you borrowing your mom’s slang.

We said that when i was in high school in the 90s. It didn’t feel new then.

Imagine little old ladies sitting around a table drinking tea and gossiping. That’s what the reference is.

Yeah, I picked it up in college from the Southern gay kids but it was “who’s pouring the tea?” as in who has the gossip. Same song different chorus. It’s basically a reference to little old ladies sitting around the table gossiping while drinking tea.

My friend, who loves Bond, both the novels and the movies, had an idea that if adopted doesn’t necessarily mess with the cannon significantly, would loop in all the previous actors, but would allow for ANYONE to play Bond: What if all the 00X agents have code names? Just like M and Q? So every 007 is James Bond,

That was still on track, depending. My mom really hit menopause around 55, though she had a few symptoms prior that tipped her off to it being on it’s way. It’s different for different women.

This is also my feeling.

Yeah, I’m getting tot he point where as soon as a grown adult non-sarcastically refers to “haters” I automatically assume they are the awful one. It’s pretty much always turned out to be true.

Yeah, this is the crux. If the “rule,” even if it’s an interpreted rule, is that to be appropriate shoulders and feet should be covered... end of story and applies to men as well as women, well, that’s the blanket rule and while a little stuffy isn’t in itself sexist. The fact that women have more sleeveless and open

Honestly, I’m dealing with this in my job now. We already have too few people and they have no plan to back fill empty positions so I’m pretty much drowning with my co-worker out. Of course I don’t grudge her need to not be here, but because of it I am doing both of our jobs and can’t take PTO since then there will

Other factors too, it isn’t just about people. Out in the middle of nowhere large animals may actually be an issue you need to deal with. You should be able to protect yourself from that. Or you may need/want to be able to hunt for food. We really don’t have those issues in downtown Metropolis. It totally isn’t one

Yeah, and, I mean, play the game if it’s fun, why not?

I needed this gif in my life. Thank you.

You are smart! I like your takeover idea.

The more I look at that picture the more things I find that seem... Not great, Bob. It’s like one of those games you played in school where you circle all the things in the picture that are out of place.