
I very much agree. At first I thought it was a horrible choice, but then they way they used it changed my mind. I still think it’s used too much as a shorthand form of trauma, and quite possibly there were other ways to have Sansa have this revelation, or hardening or whatever actually happened for her, but I think

Thank you for talking about Chelsea and posting her music. She was such a great person and her music is really amazing.

They basically share a campus, the schools are separated by what is essentially a big driveway and they have all kinds of crossover classes. No buses, kids take public transit unless it’s for a school event, but yeah, there is every reason to tell in this case.

Exactly, anyone who thinks that’s actually sexy is missing the whole point of the movie, and especially that scene. I mean, I never thought it was a GREAT movie, and I’m pretty disgusted with it now that I know about this; but it was pretty clearly about broken, dysfunctional people dealing with their shit, not a

I have them around the ceiling in the living room and they’re bright enough to read by at their highest level. Not the same as a full on overhead, but nice soft fill light that is totally serviceable. They also have a pretty big dimming curve, which is nice and kind of rare for LEDs at this price.

I have them around the ceiling in the living room and they’re bright enough to read by at their highest level. Not

A friend of mine also in your boat summed it up as, “I now have both sides of the guilt coin. The Catholic side guilts me about what I’ve done. The Jewish side guilts me about what I didn’t do.”

Do you have any kind of contact info or link or anything for this?

I’m really glad your wife is doing this. Classroom management is a seriously underrated skill. It is incredibly difficult and most people do not innately have the temperament for it. They need awesome mentors like your wife to show them how to do it without losing their minds and burning out.

Oh man, I was a sub for a few years and 7th grade is the WOOORRRST. Kids are so obnoxiously rude and mean at that age, especially in a group. I remember after a while telling the woman who helped organize the sub list I’d really rather not do 7th or 8th grade any more and she got a little panic-y and begged me to

Also that many of the Japanese men interred were decorated veterans of WWI. They served, and many were wounded, for their country twenty years earlier but it counted for nothing when they were called for internment.

I would still think it would fall under “dream job” too. You don’t put in the effort to get to that point if you don’t love it. So maybe not AS happy as the athletes, but still pretty damn stoked, I’d guess.

Funny you say that because I immediately thought, “No, ‘Southwestern’ is a generic term; Navajo is an actual, specific group of people with a specific claim to that branding (should they chose to use it as a brand).”

I sigh loudly, give a dirty look, and get up and move when that happens to me on the bus. Most of the time I get a “whatever” eye roll, but other folks on the bus usually laugh at him and I get my personal space back, so it’s usually a win.

Yes! I have found that the best way to get any major company to do anything is to tweet at them.

I prefer the isle. I get claustrophobic in the window seat, like panic attack claustrophobic. There’s just something about knowing I can stand up if I need to that trumps getting dinged by the drink cart.

Oh man, I am so sorry that happened to her. I’m especially sorry that no one offered to switch seats with her, especially duchebro who “just wanted her to be quiet.”

He did what?? I mean, I don’t... That’s so... Why?????? He is not a real human. You were on a flight with a pod person.

I like it too. The accents aren’t that hard the once you get about ten minutes in and get used to them. I do have to pay attention, though. I can’t have it on while I cook dinner or anything like that.

I just find the supposed “you’re going to this industry event with me to network!” dust up to be a hysterical reason to use. Everyone goes to those things for that.. Including Julia Roberts. It’s like getting pissed at someone for going to restaurant with you because they wanted to eat.

Normally yeah, though if it was 15 different waitresses, which is very possible in a casino, especially if he wasn’t staying at one table, and if he wasn’t acting intoxicated it would be easy for that to happen. I think if the casino had security footage that showed him behaving reasonably sober around when he left