
Welcome to the Order of Militant Feminists. No bazookas, but you get one of these:

I for one welcome our new buzzed cut lesbian overlords

NO. She was supposed to have a girl, who would presumably be bred with a Harkonnen male (Feyd Rautha).

That's actually my conundrum with Ann, and imo, there are also unfortunate implications with her. Only recently have they started mentioning her "ambiguous ethnic blend which perfectly encapsulates the American dream" (Leslie's words!), but the fact that she is allowed to escape minority stereotypes because she

He's Black. Black people end up living by a different standard in life.

Beautifully said, and I am also proud of Obama, particularly after Jimmy Carter's annoying non-committal response where evaded the question about race altogether.

Having worked for the Obama campaign and being disappointed with several aspects of his administration, I gotta say hearing him speak up on this issue made me really proud of him. White people (and I say this in the least offensive way possible) can never really know how utterly demoralizing racial profiling can be,

I am in favor of a clothing line inspired by Scandal, because I would totally wear Olivia Pope's wardrobe, especially her jackets.

The "Martin was a thug" people are where my ability to have a conversations breaks down. I can't say anything, because if I did it would basically be "Aren't we lucky that we won't be judged forever by how we acted as teens BECAUSE WE GOT TO LIVE TO FUCKING ADULTHOOD."

I know Juror B37. I know her very well, actually.

I know - she speaks three languages! I didn't mean "education so she'll speak better English," I just meant education because education equals access to better opportunities.

She speaks in a blend of three languages that isn't White American Approved, and therefore is looked down on as uneducated... when the reality

I was in college when the University of Michigan (?) Affirmative Action case went to SCOTUS. My favorite was when anti-AA white people didn't realize that (at the time—I don't know about now) the demographic that benefitted the most from AA was middle-class white women.

My sister (we're black) was talking to several doctors about her medical problem when one of them noted in my sister's file that she attended Yale. He says, "How did you get into Yale? On an athletic scholarship?" She replied, "No, it's just that I'm smarter than you."

You mean reality?

I think that 99% of the time, having an Affirmative Action argument with someone is a sure sign that that person has no desire to look outside their own little bubble. It's a good indicator that s/he is an entitled ass and not worth your time.


I'm a Hispanic who was accepted into UT in 2008. I sincerely hope that I was the so-called "undeserving" minority that took your place, Ms. Fisher.

It's a combination of massive entitlement and the subtle, racist undertone of "if there are more minorities here it can't be because they've earned it."

I love having the affirmative action argument with people (more likely than not they are white). Always they think it is unfair that the "minorities" (read African-American and Hispanic people) get into college and get jobs based on their race.