Carol's Badassery vs. Morgan's Stick of Truth

We do the elf. I’m into it, I really love crafty things so this is like a holiday crafty challenge., I post some of my favourite ones on my instagram. My kid isn’t having this terrified reaction though, she usually finds it and says that Pinpin is funny.

and “thoughts”, don’t forget “thoughts”

Oh this is awful, but "writhing around in little piles" made me laugh a little. Some people are so gullible.

The horror of the latter doesn’t negate the horror of the former.

Is this an either or proposition?

This woman, for whatever reason, thought that her best option was to stick a coat hanger into her vagina and hope it caused a miscarriage. This is why we need good sex ed in high schools. This is why we need to fund Planned Parenthood. This is why abortions should be state supported.

As they say, don’t hate the player: hate the game.

Yeah. :/

Uhm, only in much the same way that watching NASCAR teaches you how to drive in normal city traffic without endangering yourself or others. In other words, absolutely not. I’m suggesting that in the absence of real information, kids think porn teaches them to have sex, and that is a very scary thing.

It’s like handing the keys of a Lamborghini to a 16 year old after only teaching them how an engine works, rather than teaching them how to actually drive. What the fuck are these people seriously expecting to happen, and how the hell do they keep managing to rationalize it to themselves in the face of such

Holy lord, I just spit up a little breakfast pizza. Well done.

Time to start looking into applying for refugee status in Canada in case the US starts looking like 1930s Germany

Goddammit I HATE it when EXPERTS and PEOPLE WHO KNOW STUFF AND THINGS try to tell me that having a racist, bigoted, misogynistic melted creamsicle running the country like it’s a E! reality show is PROBABLY NOT A GOOD IDEA!!1! I want someone as dumb and narrow minded as I am armed with nuclear codes to run this

Do tell? Why is this? I can’t help but feel shame, embarrassment, and remorse for shit all the time, even sometimes when I actually haven’t done anything wrong and people are like, “Why are you apologizing?” But it seems there are a lot of people incapable of even realizing when they’ve done something stupid, mean, or

Every time you feel the need to post a comment, jog in place for 5 minutes instead.

I have mental health problems and a physical disability and I always intensively praise myself when I successfully adult because things like leaving the house and talking to strangers and doing my job take a herculean effort. I don’t want to be all ‘Woe is me, my suffering is endless’ but I know I experience

Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...

Right? Like goddamn Madeleine, maybe sit a few plays out.

Fuck that. This is dark, but I’ve actually given it some thought and plan to specifically instruct my child to drop to the floor, lie still, and play dead. If there’s a body on the floor near you, get under it. That seems to be how multiple people I’ve read accounts from survived mass shootings.

Hetero pornography (and all pornography to an extent but especially hetero) makes most of its money on the sexual humiliation of women. There is a vast power imbalance PURPOSELY portrayed for the titillation of the viewer. It’s not really even about sex as much as dominance of the men and submission/humiliation of the