
But she has a degree from Columbia so we know she will adhere to the highest standards when it comes to journalism.

Yup. e.g. Just look around some black internet forums you'll find plenty of black people who think that all Indians are ugly, smelly, they lie and cheat, etc. You can even find African Americans who say the same thing about African immigrants and African immigrants who think African Americans are lazy, etc etc. The

Estrogen is..

I really don't know why people are so surprised about this. Jezebel is a blog that wants to be kind of a trashy gossip blog, but also with a feminist slant. Because you see, writing about Bell Hooks or racial issues isn't what brings home the bacon for a website, it's the fashion and gossip and the male/female eye

Yes, but then again, I have to ask: why is that a supposedly body-image-positive blog like Jezebel (e.g.…) only picks traditionally attractive men? Neither in the articles nor in the comments do I ever see - let's say, a middle aged man with a beer belly or anything that by traditional

The Buddhists are mostly Buddhist in name-only. Not that the Christians aren't but Buddhism in Korea is kind of an ancestral religion that people name-drop while not actually knowing much about. Christianity is a few centuries old in Korea but is beginning to be seen as fashionable. I'd say Christian ideas have more

I think it's fair as long as you agree that everyone can have their own standards - be it eye color, hair color, skin color, boob size, dick size, waist size, weight, height, pitch of voice etc.

True, but if this was someone talking about how women's weight or boob size was a major dealbreaker you can imagine the responses about body-shaming. But here in the comments we have plenty of women admitting that the pitch of the voice (of all things!) can be a major dealbreaker.

Gawker can be worse, but at least Gawker doesn't claim to be a space where these issues are addressed. I think Jezebel is worse because people come here and expect not to be shamed about their body.

Jezebel readers you say? Check out the comments...

No! We will not let men win in the orgasm department. We will prevail!