
I am so with you with 9 (I mean, with all of it, obviously) but her music is quite cool, and so it annoys me she's such a knob!

You know what really lets me down? I stumbled upon Natalia Kills' music a while ago, and liked it a lot (a lot of quite cool, intelligent-ish pop, without wanting to sound like a total pretentious dick, I mean the choruses and the lyrics sound really good, and a bit less cookie-cutter than usual) and had no idea who

OK should not have read this at work, full on crying here. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Arrrrrgh come on season 3!

Oh hardcore, shattering the table during the seance. Incredible. All those scenes walking along the beach during the flashback episode were beautiful. I love the styling of it so much, almost makes me forgive Billie Piper's Norn Iron accent...

I LOVE Penny Dreadful! It's shot so beautifully

Haha too true, those proper surfer types earn those bodies right enough, hard work! Definitely the hardest sport I've done in a while

Oh I remember trying to stand up on a surfboard for what felt like hundreds of hard, and so tiring! Swimming out to try and stand, falling off, paddling back again

"You'll never be like the common people, you'll never do the things that common people do..."

I find the humour slightly hit and miss, but I also find that on every show I truly love - some of the jokes will pass me by, but the ones that hit - damn, I'm on the floor laughing out loud on my own!

OMG this looks great. Thanks so much for linking me, will be trying it out!

I LOVED THAT SCENE. And the fishies and how pretty they made him and Claire Danes.

My 8/9 year old self had millions of pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio and I had to kiss every one of them goodnight too.

Like young Leo Dicaprio circa Romeo and Juliet/Titanic

See, when I tie up my hair at night, in the morning it is full of weird kinks/knots/tangled bits and bobs. Any tips for how to avoid this?

I've never heard that phrase, but now instantly hate it and anyone who feels that it is appropriate to use it. Urgh

Haha! A family trait clearly

My SO is really very temperate, but goes all silent and weird when hungry. Odd thing these men

You are a much, much better person than me. I'm just a greedy horder, drowning under the weight of pretty things

Thank you!