My car doesn’t unlock when you put it in park because it doesn’t have park.
My car doesn’t unlock when you put it in park because it doesn’t have park.
Yuppppp. A friend of mine asked his arch-conservative father, “Are you a white supremacist?” To which he loudly answered, “No!” However, at Christmas dinner, he was overheard talking about how Native American tribes used to wage war against each other all the time until Europeans came in and “fixed” the problem. Also,…
For as long as I can remember, this orange idiot has a well-documented history of racist actions. His father was in the KKK, he lost a case in court about discriminating against black people in housing applications, he’s on tape/video talking about not wanting black people in his (bankrupted) casino, he paid for a…
Having been raised in a military family, I can’t tell you how much I agree with this. I remember every time my dad was gone for more than a few weeks and came back and how difficult it was. I was always happy he came home but those moments are generally a culmination of happiness, excitement, all the fear you are…
I don’t understand why we can’t get it into our heads that these psychos choose carefully who, where, and when they are going to victimize. If one isn’t victimized, say “shit I was lucky,” instead of “I know him and he could never do that.”
Just because I never saw him actually display those behaviours doesn’t mean he hadn’t sure as shit done it.
It is because they are too familiar with him. You see this is child molesters, rapist, wife beaters, etc. The family and friends have such difficulty in separating the person from their wrongs.
Yep. Knew a guy at uni. Bit odd but was friendly enough, technically gifted, and clearly an ideas guy who wanted to go into politics.
How about “they’re all crazy”? The Duggars being religious nutjobs doesn’t exactly absolve Suleman of her irresponsible choices.
The State’s? I really saw things ending that way when Dr.Phil pretended to help her.
Like many, I remember the trash circus around this story. The media was going wild and was obsessing over the minutest details of her life. There was a lot of gleeful coverage over how she couldn’t afford all of her children and how!dare!she! use welfare to feed her children when she’d made the choice to have so many.
a true sign of someone who’s never washed her own linens
Funny how worried he is about disrespecting a man, but he has no problem doing far worse to women.
The perfect marriage involves a duplex.
“...would never disrespect Offset by trying to hit on his wife.”
Actually being in a relationship but having my own place is my ideal!
You’ve taken about 30 swipes at myself, Charlie, and TPUSA
To clarify, I’m not saying Kim is absolutely telling the truth or that she has never lied about anything in her life. It’s possible she’s lying, it’s possible Ray J is lying, and it’s also possible she’s telling the truth. I’m just saying on a feminist site, the consent issue should have at least been mentioned,…
This wasn't a rapist, it was harassment, actually. And it deserved to ruin his reputation. I don't have to shut up because what he did was embarrassing or ruinous to him. That is not my concern or responsibility. It's his.
As I have spent the last year with this funny, witty, hilarious and purely candid man, I haven't a doubt in my mind that he has been falsely accused.