Luke O'Neil

And it's got to be pretty had to be that big of an asshole too. Although I imagine you could get close after 10,000 of trying.

#bugs I was enjoying reading the comments here. Clicked on a photo someone posted about three "show earlier comments" pages down. Nice photo. Then I click back and it takes me to the top of the article and I lose my place. Come on.

If this sorry group of bums isn't careful and they actually pull this comeback off, it's gonna mean an exciting game, which will make for a lot less time to cut away to our girl eating shit, literally and metaphorically, for cutaway segments. []

I think this is a pretty acceptable reading of the film.

FANSERVICE THE MOVIE is exactly right.

Sadie, thanks for one of the only critical readings of the piece that comes anywhere close to what I was trying to say.

Agreed. Especially when anyone on screen was referring to, or engaging in, the Peter Olivia romance. Just a weird, off episode all around.

Exactly what I said above.

I don't think saying there is a SUmmer Glau curse necessarily implies that she is a bad actress literally responsible for the shows she has been on failing. Are people actually implying that? Isn't it more of a tongue in cheek black humor type of thing, particularly on a site like this, where an actress we love, on

Is there anyway to make that kz3 advertisement go away, because I am not seeing it, and it's blocking a good portion of the story. I may finally be losing my patience here after not complaining too much about the redesign. #complaints

Yeah, except this is like 5 years ahead of that point.

Apology for what? This is their free website, they can so what they want with it.

All reasonably said.

I don't like the redesign myself, but I think the hand-wringing is a little melodramatic here. Keep in mind that this is a free site that provides us with hours and hours of free entertainment. Anyone complaining here who's spent a penny on Gawker, please speak up.

On the contrary, I always thought Arseface was the worst part of the comic; a cheap gag. Just my taste I guess.

"it turned out that the life and death of entire universes depended on one man picking which version of a chick he wanted to be with."

Just got done watching the most recent Fringe, so I got quite a kick out of the Fringentine.

@rulesboy: Right? Why was this such a thing? I myself found more than a couple porn magazines in the woods when I was young.

@IronMikeGallego: I've agreed with everything else in this particular discussion on the thread, but this doesn't appeal to my sentimentality. There are millions and millions of people who work dangerous jobs and won't anywhere near 5 million in their entire lives, and yet they somehow manage to survive.