Luke O'Neil

@vinylrake: Sounds more like missing the sarcasm of the post.

@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: I don't know dude. What is it you want out of this comment thread? Maybe I can help you get there quicker? :)

@shuttledik: Fuck the Pats!? No, sir, FUCK YOU! jk etc..

@Jeremy Bruce: Fast forwarding on one arrow somehow seems slower than actually watching at normal speed.

@John Milleker: Because like I said, then you see the play transpiring before you want to.

@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: There are like two planned out laughs in the entire thing. The rest of it is quiet and contemplative, or brutally violent.

Time Warner Cable has instituted a similar system as well, and other services like DirecTV and TiVo have had an auto-correct function for years. But Comcast is currently the nation's largest provider of cable services, with some 24 million subscribers in 39 states; 18 million of those are digital video subscribers.

@fhall1: Right, but then you've seen what happens on the play.

I know this isn't how things are done around here, but I chortled at what may have seemed like a throwaway post.

@Palmer: You plan on interacting with this show with your penis?

@Van Engen: I believe the idea is that this is the universe that is "closest" to ours. In a sort of convoluted logic, the universe that would be most easy to travel to would probably be the one that is most proximate to our own, no?

@norbizness: Exactly. I don't get that "distraction in the locker room" line of thinking. If someone at my work is complaining too much I don't listen and go do my job.

@alftime: I *literally* feel sick to my stomach about this, which is kind of embarassing. I wonder how long before I start seeing things Bellicheat's* way and say good riddance? So torn here.

@InfiniteMonkey: Did you see this version? Tell us a little bit more about why you think it wasn't as good as the Swedish version.

@Crrash: haha. love it.

@Plague: Ohhhh, let's get in a fight!