Luke O'Neil

@DirkToberFest: I concur. Layout isn't great to look at. Font is too big.

Strong men also cry. Strong men...also cry.

Imagine being the type of guy that is compelled to refer to a woman's relative level of attractiveness at every given opportunity? That would be weird.

So basically what everyone is saying is that when you watch men having sex with a woman you would prefer it if the man in question was a young, hot stud? Got it.

I read this piece earlier and thought "Hmm, this seems a bit off, but whatever." And didn't think about it again for the rest of the day til now. If that's not what blogs are for, to remind — FUCK FUCKING PACKERS JUST FUMBLED ON THE GOAL LINE!!!! — anyway, if ugh, if that's not what blogs are for, to remind us about

@ChanHoParkour: I like football. I like the Cure. But much like my wife and my girlfriend I really don't want the two ever having anything to do with each other.

"SPYGATE!!!BELLICHEAT 18-1****HAHAHALOLOLOL" [farts, cries, falls down]


Saddest gamble I ever made?

@SponsoredbyV8: Haha. It's like hiring a carpenter to remodel your house then kicking out the windows and smashing the door with a hammer on the way out.

I feel like I just walked in on my dad jerking off into the mirror.

Sometimes I forget why I don't like to go to live sporting events anymore.

@Hit Bull Win Steak: Wait, there are people who sincerely like Dave Matthews? I thought that was just something we all pretended in college, like being bisexual and into poetry, right fellas?

@pwrigleyx2: That sounds like it would feel hot (?)

@Chris Hanson's Axe: Woh. I've done that a few times to see what happens and I had no idea I was fucking up a brother's shine.