
At first I was thinking that this truck's owner has to be self-aware, that this whole thing has to be an ironic charade.

They both sound NA

Flat-plane V8, that's what it sounds like to me. Just like the rumors say

checked baggage fees would be worth it if pilots flew like this.

I think the real story here is that a 66k Kia is a thing.

I haven't seen the replay, but apparently they've made yet another NASCAR type call on the Vette. He was hit from behind but was served an avoidable collision penalty an hour after the incident happened. I'm getting so sick of this series. The TV packages has been shit for the last three to four years, and now fucking

Getting really tired of these NASCAR cautions so they can bunch up the field for a one lap sprint. This is endurance racing, jackasses. Not sprint.

Have not the tin foil hat wearers been essentially proved right by Edward Snowden?

Nope nope nope nope nope nope ;)

Great article. But you forgot to mention that even the driver team for one of the 'Vettes sported that most 'Murican of hairstyles. I give you Jordan Taylor and auto racing's best mullet...

Danica Patrick would be a great asset to F1 in that she would make Max Chilton look like a superstar.

Hint: it's the guy driving on rims.

Anything with a transverse mounted engine.

The people who said that were miserably stupid. Birds are heavier than air and everybody, even cavemen, have seen them fly.

Admit it, if given the choice, you would choose the Aventador. That doesn't make you a bad person. Well, it does to most people, but not to me. Drive on, purple and orange Aventador Man!

"I'm leaving Jalopnik"

40,516???? CP

Did anyone read the comments on the news site???

What are "ass spiders"?

Leasing is an option for people who want to make poor financial decisions.