I'm in Fukuoka right now. I wanted to check out the launch, but I have been sleeping really late recently. I wonder if I'll see people playing it on the train.
I'm in Fukuoka right now. I wanted to check out the launch, but I have been sleeping really late recently. I wonder if I'll see people playing it on the train.
Yet the first gen PS3 is definitely better than the slim. So there is a precedent, however small.
Slot machines are always automatic, firstly (as far as I know, anyhow... I think the partly manual variety only exist in Mario 2) while you can occasionally spin a roulette yourself, and it almost always requires a person to spin. They're both gambling, but with slots the winning lineup is predetermined, while in…
Ah, THAT'S what that was about. The bubbles not auto-deleting was annoying, but now this makes sense. Sort of.
I use my PS3 for PS1 games. Playing them on a TV is better than REQUIRING me to play them on the go. So does this NOT let you install PS1 games on the PS3 anymore?
I'm gonna chime in with Jordyce and Sandora's box in saying that the comments Drake and some of the others make are what make that game stand out. The game wouldn't be what it is without them.
I do. Being able to play games anywhere is EXACTLY why I'd want a portable. Don't worry, though, they have games you can't play on PS3, too. Little Deviants, Reality fighters, and even the Vita specific incarnation of LBP wouldn't be possible on PS3... OK, so LBP WOULD Be possible, but it would be gimped. There are…
I played it near Tenjin Station in Fukuoka, and... Because I didn't notice the machete and other items popping up when I was next to the cloth. My time ran out just as I got outside and started shooting. I was a bit upset by that (and by the fact that it was using it there that I discovered there were no L3 and R3…
Little Deviants, the Vita version of LBP, and Reality fighters (to name a few) won't be possible on PS3. It's the Touch panels (for LD and LBP) and the portable nature (for Reality Fighters) that make them possible. There will be more games like that, too, so your argument is flawed.
I haven't taken my laptop to McDonald's here in Fukuoka yet, but when I was in Amagasaki, McDonald's didn't have free wifi. Their connection was locked, and others nearby that weren't locked were subscription based. In Osaka, I wandered around for a long time trying to find free Wi-Fi, and never quite found it. I…
The region issues are not Sony's (nor Microsoft's nor Nintendo's, except when it comes to games made by their studios) fault.
Ok. I gave you a Pi. Be good now. I didn't notice you said Uncharted is brown. Have you played the Train level on Uncharted 2? Or... ANY of Uncharted 1?
Hey, man. I have to admire anyone who admits their stupidity, so +3.141592653589793238462643383279...... to you.
Me too. I've lived in Korea for 2 years, and never had that issue, so I was surprised to have this happen in Japan. Actually, the foot issues are a fair bit more relaxed in Korea than in Japan. No one freaks out if you go into the bathroom without bathroom slippers, for instance.
What about the man from the third image and the woman from the second image?
Thing is... While I agree, and won't buy the Vita until the PS1 emulator works, Vita is different hardware than the PS3 and PSP. PSP and PS3 don't handle PS1 games the same, so it's safe to say the Vita won't either. They need to minimize their problems with the games they already have available for download before…
Good ol' Happy Harry. Nothing beats the Saturday Morning Watchmen, though.
Interesting. While everything else is more expensive, the memory cards seem to be slightly cheaper in Japan. [www.amazon.co.jp]
I don't know about Asian Americans, but in the 2 years I was in Korea, and the month or so I've been in Japan, I've seen numerous "Oriental" restaurants.
I didn't even know it was still around. I remember when it first came out, and I saw the first episode... Then I saw a poster for a S-cry-ed movie at the theater the other day. Weird.