Luke MacDonald

Video streaming to the control. Same with Vita (actually, same with PSP)

Sony's not against Motion controllers.

What makes you think this will be hands free? It's not like Move will just disappear. Unlike MS's current plants, they may have both. In fact, they almost certainly will.

And Sony had done experiments with IR cameras before Kinect came out, but they decided to go with Color tracking because it was less expensive. By the time the PS4 comes out, IR tech may be a decent price.

Again, considering Sony had been working on Camera based gaming since BEFORE THE PS2 RELEASED (they bought one of the companies that started it on the PC) and have been doing research on the thing from day one, and had done IR based camera stuff (but eventually went with their color tracking (as in the Move) rather

Sounds like someone will be using one law to criminalize someone you can't otherwise criminalize. I'm sure there has to be a term for that, but I don't know it.

I don't know the name of it, so I can't look it up, but last year, in the Seoul Subways, I'd constantly hear a K-pop song that stole this theme completely... It was kind of annoying, so I'd whistle the real thing, and my students would sing the K-pop song, and I'd say "No... this is from a game"

Except for Sony, clearly. No way Sony is that far down the list if they're including the whole company. It seems they Included ALL of Apple, but only SCE for Sony.

A bit of a nipple?


This is very true. They are annoying, but they are gainful employment for many people. Hopefully those people (minus the ones at the top who are everything that's wrong with gaming) can find their way into better companies before the thing goes under, but I DO want it to go under eventually. It's not just about the

So you've never had a corrupt save?

No, you said it's the same as the PSP. That can be argued against.

Entirely unrelated to the hack, I think Stringer SHOULD be fired. He's always had it in for SCE division. A person should not be put in charge of a company while hating one of its major divisions.

I'm a huge DDR fan, and love Silent Hill and Metal Gear, so I normally side with Konami (and even Bemani division) on just about anything, but this is one area Konami seriously dropped the ball. They never brought the guitar game to the US. Or the drum game. They could have made bank, but someone said "They're not

120 so far, still sending stuff monthly. Doesn't change the fact that you're gloating over getting something that they don't get when they're still suffering from a MAJOR disaster. And making yourself even MORE of a dick.

@Red_Koshinomi: As Japan is reeling from a Tsunami and Earthquake and still hasn't fixed their heavily damaged Nuclear power plants...

@reuniteireland: Sony is a huge company (used to be the #1 tech company in the world, they got passed up by Panasonic (also Japanese) and Samsung (Korean)) and they sort of represent Japan to the greater world, so their breach was shame for Japan, probably just like Toyota's brake issues.

@DSylar: It's not region locked. You can only use downloaded games from one account at a time, which some confuse for region blocking, but while it's annoying, it's not quite the same thing.

So, just to get this out of the way: