@Clixx13: I wasn't suggesting Sony was the bad guy for this, I'm just saying I don't see them opening up the PSP that much at this stage, or any time in the near future. I'm saying that such a thought is way too optimistic.
@Clixx13: I wasn't suggesting Sony was the bad guy for this, I'm just saying I don't see them opening up the PSP that much at this stage, or any time in the near future. I'm saying that such a thought is way too optimistic.
@bmart008: Source, please.
"Likes:... Peanut Butter"
@penciledcookie: Really?
@MechaTama31: Because such a deal would cost less money that flat out exclusivity, yes. The more MS gets, the more money it costs. They're simply making theirs a *bit* better by comparison, and that's often all it takes.
They should just make the devkits for PSP open source (the software, anyhow) and let anyone dev for it, so homebrew will be alive and well, and they can just sell batteries to restock the old PSPs and... pppbbt! ahhahahaha
@slim934: That MST3k special came with a Playstation demo disc.
@Parrotman01: Yes. I thought something similar. Why the books?
@rorkimaru: *jaw drops*
@Ashurahori: He clearly means once you step in Chris Hansen will show up.
@ThreeOneFive's? Let's see...
@N-Robes: 5 Mbps is high for DSL speeds. There are a LOT of places that still don't have DSL, saying nothing for how high that DSL is, too. If you count that they probably recommend FioS speeds, well... That leaves out a LARGE portion of the US at the very least.
Oh, 360 dollars, because of the upcoming 360 kinect Pac Man game, brilliant. I'm taking it the Euro version will be 360 Euros, and 360 pounds for the UK. I'll just pick mine up in Korea.
Sony: PSP4000 or PSP2 that's backward's compatible that comes w/bluetooth, plz. I don't want a go, but I want to control games with my DS3. I mean, games that have come out POST the last m33 CFW. For those before, I just use RemoteJoy.
Like the PSone? That thing was awesome. The PStwo doesn't have the same feeling, though, and I think a PSthree and PSfour would be even further removed, but who knows.
@icarus212001: Well, they WOULD as long as it was Kenny saying it. He says all sorts of things the other characters wouldn't get away with because he's muffled JUST ENOUGH that the censors can't understand him.
@Karljohan Pettersen: While this IS a bit of a stretch for me for two big reasons, there is at least ONE instance of MS letting Nintendo have something.
@Michael Dukakis: that... was...
@GeneralBattuta: That board was overtaken by fujoshi long ago.
@Kovitlac: The wii doesn't have the download service for the songs, or the infrastructure of a service like XBL or PSN. The wii is less of a competitor in this case than Sony is.