Luke MacDonald

I'mma buy a PSP2, a 3ds, and the 2012 incarnation of the Caanoo for the Homebrew capabilities.

@Demonbird: Yup. He said he has one, and it's powerful.

Let Metal Gear die... Unless there's a remake (or revision to fit the MGS era canon that doesn't quite fit with the MSX era) of MG 1 and MG 2. I could dig that.

@data_enabler: I beg to differ on one point. Gimp is a fair bit more difficult to learn than Photoshop.

@Hardcore: Damn it... Damn my ADD. I wrote that reply shortly after the original not getting it post, and forgot to post it... Third time this week I've been completely redundant on something like this.

@RockyRan: Honestly, it takes a SPECIAL kind of fanboy or anti-fan to say that about ANY of the current systems, except perhaps the iPhone.

@kineticdamage: They've already demonstrated body tracking with the Eye, actually, and it tracks more than just the move controllers. It tracks the head just fine, AND in 3d, using the move controllers as anchors. If you dropped the moves, it'd have problems, but... don't drop the moves.

on rails. On rails. Oh, boy. Why don't they make one NOT on rails. I mean, you COULD use the DS3 or navigation controller and move your character around...

Hmm... I don't think there's anything wrong with hard games, but it pisses me off when I hear old gamers bitch about how easy games are, when so much of the difficulty of those older games was cheap and artificial, as are these new hard games like IWBTG.

@Crrash: oh, and before the power glove was the motion controller on the Commodore.

@Crrash: They got it right and working on the PS2. The only problem was that Eyetoy had already basically bombed, do devs were reluctant to go another round with it until Nintendo FORCED THEM by basing their system around it, something Microsoft and Sony couldn't do, as that would have abandoned their core audience.

@deathly: Form factor? Did you see the wand demos from 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005? Move is a direct evolution of THAT, and the form is simply because that's the optimal shape for a one handed controller, which existed on the PS1.

@Luke MacDonald: Or, that's what Pablo was trying to say, anyhow. I have no clue if Accelerometers read different at different temperatures.

@Jocaju2: If the temperature changes, the measurements taken by the accelerometer changes too. A thermometer could keep the measurements consistent. So they won't be jacked up just because it's too hot or too cold.

@UsernameOfTheDead: They would never make a mainline game be ONLY move. Move games are 40 dollars, while normal games with move support optional can still be 60. Can't see Socom 4 being 40 dollars, so there's more support for it not being Move only.

@Mr_Git: The game that's coming from that Demo will be Sorcery, which comes out sometime next year (hopefully early)

@Ueziel: You're... the absolute first person who's said this so far. You sure you calibrated it right? All, like, 50 reviews I've read on sports champions said it was much more accurate.

Agito looks pretty good. Like Crisis Core, actually. I thought it was going to be Card based (a la Metal Gear Ac!d, said "ack *click* d")