Luke MacDonald

@anduin1: It's mostly old men from what I've seen, but those old men are probably going to be your bosses if you get jobs there.

@fanewgie: Team Ico evokes emotion in a way that no other game creators do. I always hear about "emotion without words"

@wolfgangwozniak: You haven't seen the Naruto game on PS3, have you?

@Charonchan: I didn't see Slash had responded directly to you when I posted, so didn't mean to be redundant. And that is pretty lame, blacking out the trailers. The fact that two companies did it makes me think this is just conservative Japanese business at its finest. They don't want anything seen unless it can be

@Charonchan: Slash just said it was Squ'eenix, not Sony's fault.

@no computers in texas: Katakana is often used when Hiragana should be used if they want to show something as being foreign. And the second land WOULD be foreign.

How the hell are they gonna fit MGS3 on a 3DS cart? If it had been Peace Walker, I'd understand, but MGS3? It's over 4 gigs!

@XeO3: There are those in Japan who view Kancho as a major problem, as it leads to more invasive things, like the train gropings.

I already expressed my laughter at this idea in the Microsoft press conference thread, but as this is more specific...

Motion based dragon game? That could NEVER go wrong!

@LordDisco: Crotch shots are still terrible, and getting it up the butt is worse. If the act is messed up, it's messed up. Doesn't matter what culture it is.

@XeO3: Well, they don't do it as hard as what they did on Naruto.

Video not available. Region blocked?

@anduin1: I'm sure it's amazing in its own right, but it has a lot of problems, not the least of which being an economy that's been in the dumps for a couple decades. Another issue is the still present Japanese exceptionalism and anti-immigration factions that are more vocal on the street about it than those in the

@ollemadnotglad: Reminds me of work. Nearly ever kid I teach pokes each other in the butt... It's called "Ddong Chim"

@XeO3: You obviously haven't been to Korea or Japan... Ddong Chim / Kancho is a way of life, it's not an anime thing.

That's a WHOLE lot of zombie movies.

@Angryrider: You said it before I got a chance to. Mario Land 2 was great. I think it sold so poorly because Mario land 1 sold so well, to be honest. People weren't ready to give a Gameboy Mario another chance because they all rushed to buy the first game, which kind of sucked.

Mario Land 2 sold so little! It was an AWESOME game, and introduced us to Wario. It was 10000 x better than the travesty that was the first Mario Land... I'm sorry, I remember that being one of my first serious game disappointments, but Mario Land 2 fixed all of that.