Luke MacDonald

@noliferuin: What point? That anime needs to have slanty eyes and jet black hair otherwise the characters aren't asian, while "white characters" can have all sorts of unrealistic features and no one questions it?

@ninja_togo: Best way is to have a comment in "comments of the week"

@noliferuin: White people totally have boat lights, blue and green and pink hair, and eyes the size of saucers...

@soonghong: At least until Ark takes her pie.

I'm wondering more about the US military that acquired PS3s for Linux use...

@ninja_togo: Didn't see your response because you're not starred, but as I said, Peta will love it. All the humans are dead!

Peta will love it. Humans are dead!

@The Yam!: To be fair, there's a similar pattern in Sony, though some of it comes down to covering their butts rather than simply making bad decisions... Unless you consider the "not searching the patents thoroughly enough" to be a bad decision... The wii has made add-ons viable again... Or... for the first time ever.

@JGab: Have you watched a SINGLE move demo? It's... freaking... 1:1.

@MattyMattMatt: That's a more accurate and less trolling statement than your first. But, the very combination makes it different, for this very important reason:

@Luke MacDonald: And iTunes is a pathetic source of movies almost on par with Sony's current service.

@ddhboy: At least that Sony device can be played on a TV without buying extra equipment.

@Dennen: You know what ELSE the PSP has that should be on the PS3?

@Chicken Pawks: When you die in Canada, you die in real life!

@p8ball4life: Those glowing balls are what the camera tracks. Otherwise, it'd just be a wiimote.