Luke MacDonald

North Korea just makes me sick... It's basically a picture of what China would look like if it were a lot smaller (and therefore easier to control), though. The only reason China isn't that bad off is because the country is too big.


I love the response on this game. Waah waah bitch moan. How dare they have movies! I don't want peanut butter in my chocolate!

@JabbaB: If you'd like, you can blame Sony for that. The Eyetoy and their further experiments on it were far more popular than Nintendo's previous attempts at motion control, though still decidedly not super popular (which explains their reluctance to push it in this gen until recently) and very likely paved the way

@Strife Fox †: They didn't sell it... They never owned it to begin with. They were new devs and couldn't afford their own IP. The same is technically true of Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, and Uncharted... Sony owns those. And it will probably be true of whatever new IP they put out with EA...

@SkyBlu: Well, if it's a new IP, of course it can go either way. If it's R3, it can only go Sony. They own the IP.

And all (or at least most of) the LBP1 levels will work in 2. If only more PC games with mods would accept mods from previous games... Or, rather, if only UT3 did.

@Kovitlac: Disclaimer: I have not played AW yet (haven't touched a 360 in over a year) and it actually looks pretty cool, but...

Ah, announcements of announcements.

@MrGOH: you need a surface for the mouse, but not for move or for a keyboard.

@Dragonis: This is one place where XKCD is just plain full of crap. As you've been told, the points of HDTV vs a monitor are:

@Koztah: Actually, mind hacking seems to be en vogue... There's also the Parasite Even game and the newest Driver game...

This is going to be legen... wait for it...ds burgers... I really want one. Crap, that's not what I was going for...

@robpe36: hahaha, you're funny! Complaining that 3 separate games get 3 separate trophies simply because they're in a compilation.

@Nonmelodic: It's just a straight up comparison. They didn't say "Hey, the light changing is better than the speaker in the Wiimote."

Capcom is no longer catering to one company. We're completely multiplatform...