
Lol... its only because no one who is cool clicks on an article about BMW I3's because they don’t care. In fact I don’t care I just want to see who is also bored and willing to spend time defending a coolness argument against a total stranger, I think it is because my points ring so true.

Excuse me miss but lets get to the point, the I3 and Smart cars are plainly uncool, I’m sorry you don’t agree but this is what most people think. You can try and combat my arguments but that does not present any sort of case that the I3 is in fact cool. This the math of the coolness to illustrate my logic: Golf

I’m not insisting. I’m replying to argue my (generally agreed upon) point. The I3 is cool compared to normal golf carts but less cool than pretty much everything else. I also could care less if you think I’m immature, this is what I honestly believe. I clearly want to get a rise and attention out of people by

That leads me to believe that your lady is cool, and knows whats up. 

lol what? I’m doing gods work. This is a known fact that I3 and Smart cars are very uncool. “advance my agenda”? WTF? What agenda, I’m just telling the truth that I3 and Smart cars are lame. I don’t care if anyone agrees with me, but I need state that these vehicles are Not cool and if anyone whats to argue against

The F355 is very cool and I’m jealous. However when I was 16 I thought anything that could drive under its own power was cool. I’m not saying the smart car is bad or not a good vehicle, just saying on a scale of being cool it’s far off to the left (uncool). This also doesn’t apply to every smart car just the large

Thanks for the correction Professor

#1 logic does not have anything to do with arguing if something is cool, that in itself is a red flag you have no idea what cool is.

Your being defensive because your arguing something totally subjective. lol and come on you know its true - the I3 is for hipsters and rich house wives. So uncool, really I’m not sure how you can even argue it is a cool car. Your continuing to argue because you don’t want to admit to yourself I’m totally right. Just

correcting grammar is very uncool.

Glad you came around ;)

Just trying to paint a picture in your heads about how uncool this car is.

Nope I3 is not cool. Smart cars are also not cool...Sorry to dawn this on you, but judging by how defensive you are I assume you knew this in your heart the whole time. Not every car is cool and these are prime examples of un-cool vehicles. Sometimes the truth hurts and I apologize for that.

I’m not saying its a bad car at all. Just stating a fact that it isn’t cool which I’m positive most would agree, just because people buy it does not make it cool.

All great suggestions. Just do not buy a BMW I3, those are NOT cool!

I’m just fighting for what is right and standing up for what is cool.

I disagree sir, also I question how you calculate cool.

Yes, and I’m flat out saying this is not a cool vehicle. Really we need to stand up for what cool is, being cool used to mean it was more awesome or special. If an I3 is cool then everything is cool and the word it self is meaningless. Lets all go buy cool PT cruisers.

Lol I’m standing up for what is actually cool. Come on people, when your mom gets a tattoo that’s not cool. The BMW I3 is not a cool vehicle. If you think its cool I’m sorry to say you yourself are not cool, that’s how it is. None of this nerd sheek hipster cool BS. The I8 that’s a cool car, the I3 no that’s not a