
I have replied once with “I’m not quite sure how to that answer that one, sorry” to one of those trolling questions they ask you. I still got the offer, which wasn’t as impressive as I was expecting so I declined.

lol correction Hitler’s car was a Merc. VW seems kind of evil though right?

Who would think the company who made Hitler’s car would be capable of this.

I wish this article had some images or links set up so I don’t have to do the leg work and look stuff up.

Getting killed tons of times in battlefield 1.

D4RK I disagree with everything you just said. It can be more fuel efficient, I easily beat the average MPG of the automatic FRS, driving manual. which I was able to sustain at 33MPG for months. (driving in heavy traffic in California) 

Stop defending the fact you bought a automatic. I drive a stick in tons of traffic, never been a problem.

over 60,000 miles in lots of traffic but never regretted it once.

no one said it was animated well, lol. If blizzard didn’t set such a high animation standard for these characters it wouldn’t seem that bad, videos like this can help us really appreciate all the work that goes into those animated shorts. 

This door design sure looks like a variation on mini van doors:

for $15 NMS is worth it. Sure it didn’t live up to the hype but honestly the game isn’t that bad. Its just not a $60 dollar game, but easily worth $20.

Hey she will recover in time, the human brain has a remarkable ability to repair it self, may not be the same but will improve I believe.

His trailer isn’t bothering anyone really. Its all just old folks who have nothing better to do then get their panties in a twist over a well kept trailer in his driveway.

Toyobaru +1

Hey here’s an idea don’t steal a companies product. They put a lot of work in these games and its completely insulting to everyone to worked on it to see assholes pirate it.

What a colossal A hole. This guy needs his house egged/toilet papered by the local youth rascals.

Man if my dad was a Gazillionare I’d be pretty good at racing also. I was stuck with Cruisin’ USA arcade when I was 13.

Thank you Jalopnik I needed this today.

Polyphony come on get off your asses and finish GT Sport we are getting bored over here!

If your gonna tweet to thousands of people spend 1 fucking second and check your grammar.