Luis Saravia

This made me lol.

Same here.

Man that was cool!

The battery life on my cr-48 is impressive.

I think they are talking about the trackpad.

I just found a MetroPCS prototype as well.

Me too me too!

I'm not trolling and this is my last response to you. You do deserve what you are getting and more because you, without having any source of information accused a person of stealing, that is, in no way a misunderstanding. I got very pissed about it because I like the author of this post am big fan of Geohot and his

Read your original response dude. You are accusing the guy of stealing and in the process creating more confusion in an already complicated case. While I was reading I honestly though you were being sarcastic until I finish it, then I realized it was just a stupid comment. You deserve all the flame you are getting and

Are you being sarcastic or just stupid?

On my way /b/rother!!111!!!

This post is full of fail. Every post about the new design is full of angry commenters bashing it.

@CaptainJack: Dooode!!! it works haha thanks bro

It might be because the only purpose of doing that is piracy.

@8thManOnTheMoon: The dev-team will include the GP exploit on PwnageTool

@stevey101: OS X is the only one that is available for now