Luis Calil

What happened? Did the AV Club get overrun by philistines? PRIMER is fantastic, totally coherent and it features some of the most striking direction and cinematography of the last few decades.

There's always something potentially better playing, and usually its critics who don't have to pay for tickets.

01. Pulp Fiction
02. Death Proof
03. Reservoir Dogs
04. Inglorious Basterds
05. Kill Bill Vol. 1

What the fuck? That whole sequence is screwball heaven.

How do you know, e.g., that the location they eventually picked is a "fair compromise" considering none of us have read the script? Maybe he feels he's losing something vital by not pushing to find a better house.


I don't get why people are piling on Jason. He may not be the most charismatic dude ever, but shouldn't we be rooting for the director of a film to get exactly what he wants? Shouldn't he be doing everything he can to achieve his vision? Why are you guys mad that he's not instantly compromising? What's the point of

Wow, I didn't know Michael Bay was making some of the most thematically complex films in Hollywood.

Movies don't have to be "fun" to be great. With that said, I think THE DARK KNIGHT and INTERSTELLAR are extremely fun, and I'd happily watch THE PRESTIGE and MEMENTO in a loop.

2:40 "He said that Anand tolds… Or, I'm sorry, that Jay tolds him that Anand strangled Hae".

I'm too lazy to go in depth, especially since I haven't seen either in a couple of years. Basically, MEMENTO is about the extent to which people are willing to lie to themselves and create elaborate narratives in order to avoid painful truth. It also has a lot of sharp things to say about memory, but that's secondary

"they never actually show them." You should rewatch THE PRESTIGE and MEMENTO.

MEMENTO and THE PRESTIGE are very deep, specially the latter. There's no other movie made in Hollywood in the last 20 years that's even come close to tackling the philosophical stuff brought up in PRESTIGE.

THE VILLAGE is Shyamalan's best movie.

Shyamalan is a very talented director (or was, before his last three films) but a hacky writer. Nolan can be an amazing writer (Memento, Prestige, etc) but an uninspired director.

UNBREAKABLE has what's probably one of the dumbest scripts ever writen. It's Shyamalan's amazing arthouse-y direction that fools people.

The Rolling Stone article in incredible.

The Signal is one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen. Bong is an amazing director (see also: The Host, Memories of Murder, etc). Your taste is wack.

I disagree with the article and I love the work of most of those filmmakers you cited, and even artier stuff. I'm also very smart (according to my mom).