
@dandaman247: Common misconception. Basically the nerd equivalent of an urban legend. Don't worry, it wasn't designed to slow people down, and it isn't as inferior to dvorak as people have been lead to believe.

@Settings: It's basically a macbook, had Apple not moved to unibuddy design, and slightly less ambitious in terms of the reveals and edges here and there.

It's like one of those "puppy petting" games, but instead of potty training your dog and giving him a biscuit, you're casting spells and slashing randomly all over the place. Fun for the whole family?

@shouryuuken: Storm's jump-swing staff attack FTW. High damage, insane reach, and nearly 100% knockback. Seriously, it's like god-mode if you do it right.

$418 *and* a year of prep.

@JohnDodoe: I agree. I know several Apple engineers who carry them around for work. They don't look that great.

I'm not watching it. Mainly, I can control myself because Blizzard game endings are ALWAYS crap. After 15 years of Blizzard endings, the Warcrafts, Diablos, and SC/BW, I'm in no hurry to finish Bliz titles any more. I haven't even finished the campaign in SCII yet.

@svchost: This even occurs in released preview works. One of my friends whose a musician used to talk about how much music borrowing occurs for movie trailers because they haven't finalized their own score yet. I was like, "really"? And then he rattled off about 20 different examples, and proceeded to show me a bunch

@chozo_hybrid: There's like three or four branches of Warhammer, and different games within each. IIRC 40k is from the 80s, but I can't speak for the other varieties.

@savage: You mean like 20 years before the XBox 360. Warhammer is from the '80s, dude!

I was at a fancy shopping district in Korea a few years ago, scoping out the meat at a fancy butcher's counter. I did a few of the price conversions in my head for the beef and thought, "these prices aren't *too* far off of what we pay here in the states." Then I realized that they don't use pounds in Korea, and that

@BigKeithO: Nah, Activision didn't do anything because they *knew* they wouldn't have to. Record labels would be all over it.

@BigKeithO: It's where you included, "It could be argued that copyright was being used contrary to its intended use in this case." And that's what I'm addressing. Defense of copyright during the statutory period is entirely consistent with the original intent of CR.

@DeathJest3r: Parody is "use of a prior work in a new work, which in some way comments on the original."

@BigKeithO: The "intended use" argument fails because copyright is set up as a "quid pro quo" between society and creators. The author's motivation for creating is the statutory period of exclusive use and licensing, without which people would not be motivated to create new things (now at 75 years PLUS life of

@Arnheim: Not right on point 1. If something is within the public domain, noone can assert any rights over it. It's free for anyone to use for any purpose. You can take it and sell it yourself. No problems.

Big glass staircase next to a cafeteria/lounge area? That looks almost exactly like the dev wing at EA RWS. It's eerily similar, just grey carpet instead of tile flooring.

@nicp1112: Games haven't tended towards realism at all. That is a popular misconception about modern gaming. Game companies "sell" the appearance of realism because they know it holds great appeal. Games haven't tended towards realism in any way besides graphical detail. In design, they neither simulate realism nor

@DrDankstone: Who says it has to be either or? My favorite tofu dish is my mom's pork rib tofu stew. Kimchi and meat flavored tofu is delicious.

@nicp1112: It's not real; it's a video game.