lucy pevensie

What is that phrase the kids are using nowadays? “I enjoy your thoughts and I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter”?

Someone I follow on Twitter said “at least punk music will be good again”. Excuse me but I’d much rather have my civil rights instead of another Green Day protest album.

There are a large number of liberal/moderate churches out there. Being a Christian doesn’t mean being conservative.

I am hard pressed to think of any mental health issue (especially those referenced here by Manning herself—depression, anxiety) that would not be made worse by incarceration. That is a problem much bigger than Manning; it’s much more complicated than pardoning one prisoner. I agree with you, in many ways. However,

Let’s discuss better treatment for prisoners, better mental health support...but this is framed as though having a mental health issue in and of itself should qualify someone for release.

This morning I was reading about the protests across the country and those that are being organized. Some of the protest leaders admitted they voted third party or not at all. I was thinking, should we stage a mini-protest within a protest against you!? I still can’t face a couple of friends who were rabidly against

I am not going to pretzel my brain trying to convince people who thought one of the most liberal democrats was basically an evil Republican with a hit list of anything.

p.s. looking forward to gleefully dismissing any motherfucker who decides now would be a good time to gloat/lecture me for several paragraphs about why Hillary Clinton is worse than Satan/make fun of me for being sad. today is not the day y’all.

I live in a blue state and am not on speaking terms with two coworkers who wrote in Bernie.

Are liberals who voted for Clinton letting their fellow liberals off the hook for staying home and voting third party?

This is the section of the song that killed me:

No, we’re not.

On election day this week, I found out that I got an interview with Boeing for a paid internship this summer. I was elated. It is literally the path to my dream job. I was prepared to get smashingly drunk that night to celebrate getting an interview opportunity and seeing the first woman President. We bought champagne

I know I am not the only one who has spent the last 4 days blindingly drunk, but I actually called into work today just to specifically get crap housed again. I am a chef at a country club and I don’t know if I can make food for a bunch of Trump supporters anymore. I seriously don’t know if I can do it anymore.

I went to work yesterday and had seemingly accepted the fact that “this is the way the system works, it worked, it sucks VERY HARD, we’ll just have to see what happens in about 2 months.”

Can I take a wild stab here? Are you a white dude? I mean, so am I, there’s no shame in it.

It has always been there.

Talking to people. Realizing that despite the awful showing Tuesday night, there’s still a whole lot of us who still believe in basic human decency. So that’s nice to know. I’m also starting to embrace the absurdity of it all. How’s everyone doing on day 2 AT?!

The women in my life are terrified. They know what the past was like, and where this administration has stated they have a mandate to take us back to. They’re terrified. This is a really, really bad day

OK, but that doesn’t really answer the question of how you’re keeping it together. Lots of people woke up, ate breakfast, and went to fucking work, but did it with a ball of fear in the pit of their stomach. If you aren’t terrified of Trump enacting the policies the campaigned on because they won’t really affect you,