lucy pevensie

Turnout has been utterly dismal for Democrats and progressives the past few midterms. Republicans will vote anytime anywhere but you have to cajole, plead, beg and drag Dems and progressives to the polls in non-Presidential years. This is why our Congress has been utter garbage for the past 6 years.

I’m not a huge cry-er. I take things on the chin and move on. I felt such immense pride casting my vote for such a qualified and amazing woman earlier today. I stopped and took the moment in. I immediately saved my I voted sticker.

Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.

I was going to write a long thing but I drank my sorrows away. I’m so ashamed. Me and my family are fucked. This wasn’t just about red vs blue, real shit was on the line. I’ve never felt so hopeless.

I just told my boyfriend that I loved him a couple days ago. He said it back. I wonder if we’re still able to get married if it comes to that. I’m heartbroken on a thousand different issues.

But mostly, fuck you and fuck your fucking misogyny.

No, fuck you for pushing that “both cadidates are bad” nonsense. That’s why we’re in this situation.

NO. Sorry, but no. This is not Hillary Clintons fault. This is the fault of the people who voted for Donald Trump in spite of every monstrous thing he’s said and done for the past 50 years, and of anyone who didn’t take it seriously or thought it couldn’t happen. This is the fault of anyone who doesn’t know shit about

*eyes Kamala Harris*

“I waited three hours to vote,” a female coworker announced proudly this morning. “Too bad your vote doesn’t matter,” responded a chorus of male voices. How damning, disappointing, and predictable.”

they’re openly shitting on Deadspin, and it’s great

This isn’t shade. It’s an outright, full-frontal assault at this point.

OK there is no way you guys aren’t shading the bro-chads over at Deadspin. And I agree with the shade. Few things more obnoxious than aloof white boys whose aloofness is courtesy of them having no skin in a game that could end with a white supremacist in the oval office.

The women of Deadspin, combined with Jezebel’s lovely response abovie, really redeemed the whole endeavor. The men’s drivel really was insufferable.

After that incredibly pretentious men in the Article on Deadspin, I really really appreciate this. It’s really telling how the men in that article presented their points....

Deadspin seriously acting like an 11th grade civics class over there

Needs more explanation, defensive justification of your vote as though anyone with a brain and basic empathy would contradict it, and a majority lack of context on the importance of the profound difference on gender, racial, sexual, and religion issues between the candidates.

I love you all so, so much.