
How can you expect him to fulfill campaign promises if we didn’t elect him? Next time use your vote better.

As a once foreigner now US citizen I’m interested in understanding why so many conservatives see the UN as diminishing US sovereignty when it was essentially an American initiative to put it in place and the UN has sustained American interests around the globe pretty consistently. Sure, it’s not always perfectly

They are just using the PR announcement to suck up to Donald but the choice is obviously motivated by cost reduction. They simply decided they didn’t need all that production and that their resources are better spent where the market is actually going (electric cars) and obviously you don’t build your key strategic

dear god.

I REALLY wanted to buy the Outback but the lack of options turned me off. A car that big without even the option of parking sensors is unacceptable in 2016.

Female football (I refuse to call it soccer) blows, it’s the most atrocious thing to watch. The ladies are not particularly gifted technically, because even at the slower pace they play you don’t see many flourishes or inventive moves as you would in futbol sala for example. It’s not the athleticism that’s missing,

It’s eminent but the concept is sound.

You really can’t control yourself when you see the chance to step on a giant steaming turd uh?

The I only assholes here are the people recklessly driving unlicensed vehicles and the journalist trying to pass them as victims.

I drove a Model X for a week, I don’t trust the autopilot, it got itself in a few jnsafe situations I had to take over and recover from. In my opinion Tesla’s system is not as great as the press makes it to be.

What is this guy’s problem?

This article was written by a moron. The idea that raw milk is dangerous tout-court even for cheese production is utter nonsense. Nobody EVER wished to buy un-pasteurized cartons of milk at Safeway, if you found a couple morons that want to do that, well, that’s their problem.

This is so perfect it’s beautiful. Nascar endorses Donald Trump. Like, what were the alternatives?

that’s my name and I had no idea someone made it into an idiotic acronym. Thanks for ruining my name for me, FYI it means “light” and comes from the latin Lux.

I was pretty annoyed that the half timr show wasn’t Metallica like it would have been obvious. Bruno was great a few years ago but the horrid medley they organized was extremely unexciting. Beyonce picked the wrong outfit in my opinion.

Would it be feasible for Gawker to tone down the race baiting titles? In white and i dont give a fuck about Beyonce because I love real music. Give me John Coltrane or Ella Fitzgerald any day of the week, but don’t make blanket statements like this because it’s pretty fucking offensive and racist.

to be fair, they were right. I did the reverse trip and I’m not exactly enthusiastic of the life stateside. And yeah, I would go back but it’s not up to me sadly.

Looks like there was a bucket of paint nearby that exploded on their faces. Truly awful.

Wow, superb defending. Did the team in read all lose their contact lenses or something?

I had no idea anyone could miss the point of South Park so spectacularly.