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    My first thought. : )

    Le Duane Readue. I cried laughing.

    Not all coaches are monsters. Just pay attention

    NBD. I was typing on my tablet with my thumbs at midnight so mistakes are gonna happen.

    HAHA. Can’t spell, but you should see my GRAPHS. (Switched to Econ)

    Haha can’t spell.

    This is basically what happened to me. The Dean explained that it would be a nightmare (not in those words) and was just, “save your time & just drop the class”. We will start a file on this dude & follow up with you if we hear more complaints. School refunded $.  

    I was harassed my first semester of college & went to the Dean. The Dean was nice about it but the teacher was very senior and BELOVED, and I was the only person that ever complained so Dean told me to drop the class so I did.

    Me too. 😘

    Yes, bitcoin. MAGA

    MANY MANY (horrible) people blame these surcharges on the staff. And that’s just wrong. Restaurants should just increase their prices 3%.

    Toddlers are not evil. This man is evil. IMPEACH!!!


    Good luck. I hope your students are great. ❤️

    I forwarded a link of the daily stormer to my husband on Saturday amd he looked at it and said, “this is a parody site” um, no.


    “Other cool things” lol

    Confused me. I hope they change headline

    Anyone got spare change so I can travel to wherever this gem is.