As just some random guy at a desk slacking off at work... this is interesting AF.
As just some random guy at a desk slacking off at work... this is interesting AF.
Frustrating. I can only view the video this Sunday, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!!
“This is Ron Burgundy with Channel 2, Action News”
Every other car company seems to have no problem doing this. An M3 is maybe 100 pounds heavier than a 34oi M Sport, maybe not even. And it’s certainly not a “worse” car. For as long as cars have been built, there have been higher performance versions. You’re making it sound like they’d need to build an all-new car…
More power means more tire to put that power down. More tire means more wheel. More wheel and tire (and more brakes) means more weight. More weight means re-tuned suspension, and more tire means more lateral loads, which means beefier suspension. Beefier suspension means more chassis bracing. More tire also means more…
So when Hulkenberg gets crashed into, we’ll get to see that there is more than one way to skin an aerocat?
You’re battery-powered?
The first time you have a blow out on an Interstate in a remote area, in the rain, on a long trip away from home and you’re still an hour away from your hotel and who knows how long from the nearest reputable tire place on a Sunday evening, you’ll wish you had a spare that let you at least drive at normal highway…
Top bid so far from username falonso.
Fox Body. In every sense of the word.
“All right. While we’re still at the red light, I want you to go back in that lane and hit the NASCAR.”
Alexa, heat up water
Alexa, heat up water
that’s what i’d like to know about it.
that’s what i’d like to know about it.
Hi there!
Yeah, I don’t know why they keep posting that dudes videos. He routinely says stuff that is completely wrong while simultaneously coming across as a smug butthead and being boring as fuck.
Pretty sure. If its a Highlander, there can be only one.
For Audi, VIN stands for Vehicles w/ Identical Numbers
It’s unfortunate and shitty, but in this business, it happens all the time. I can’t tell you how many loaners I’ve had scheduled that were canceled because some other outlet crashed the car.
I mean this in the nicest way possible...