“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”
“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”
No low ballers. I know what I have.
Ran when parked
I wouldn’t be surprised if they were controlling the air return rate and pressure to get some sort of variable valve timing effect since they have to use fixed cams.
The dumbest shit I modded my car with was my ex-husband.
Every modern McLaren, from the 2011 MP4-12C to the P1 to the 720S is powered by a single family of twin turbo V8s.…
So basically, McLaren is JDM AF?
fun fact: the origin of that motor was with Nissan’s Group C Le Mans program!
I wouldn’t excuse the driver, either. He’s a dick. They’re both dicks. Everyone’s a dick.
That glass ceiling looks nice and intact.
Triple eh.
So what you’re saying is that all four Jalopnik editors told you to Chevette?
I hope somebody with bad taste and lots of money buys it off BMW and butchers it back to Elvis spec.
I hope not. I like air.
Niiiiice! Thank you.
Eh, your butt, it turns out, is pretty hardy. I had the same concern, and it is cold, but it’s not that bad. I am guessing there are fewer thermoreceptors in your anal sphincter than in your hands.
Eh, your butt, it turns out, is pretty hardy. I had the same concern, and it is cold, but it’s not that bad. I am…