
But, often times, your driving and you need a quick unlock to pull your maps back up, or music. 

Silence! Stocked up on silence. 

Character assessments or character assassination? Making a comment on any social media about anything is likely to get you slapped. !!*SMaCk*!! Hey, it was a figure of speech!

Yes, ban bad drivers in general, but, not the technology that saves more lives. Every year some drunk or a sleepy person falls asleep, and they kill thousands of people. This technology has proven safer despite a few accidents.

Part of this post reminds me that I’ve also been thinking how we could incorporate markers on construction sites, road closures, lane Barriers, etc.. These simple very cheap digital signal beacons should be received by all cars old or new with a cheap device. For example a simple raspberry pie type device can be used

Neither can a human driver stop with such little warning. Once there are more such vehicles and if we have a common system in vehicles that communicate with each other, other vehicles within a 1/4 mile or so could tell other cars their constant status. So the stopped car would be sending out a signal to the other

I agree to a point. The point I worry about is this technology sold under the table to those leaders who would prefer that the machine AI just decide before the soldiers or command and use lethal force. We could fear a million drones without care for civilians, attacking cities in a way that makes cluster bombs

I bet Same can be said of all politicians

Still love my 2015 Camry 4 cylinder. I’m always surprised how easily I pass by dropping in sport shift and it takes off better than my 08 v6 saturn did. My wife has a subaru and it can’t pass going downhill and is not nearly as Comfortable.

You are the falsehood. Just because some people of faith happen to be atheists, doesn’t mean they have to make nasty comments to others. Do try to keep hate to yourself. Your faith is no different from anyone else’s. By the way there are a lot of scientists who believe in a God.

Keep in mind a powerful CME event will actually render your car useless.. And pretty much all your electronics. And it’s happened before and will happen again.

Exactly, how could anything else leave orbit for trips to the moon, Mars, etc.. On one hand we need regulation to prevent this. On the other, business wants government to get out of the way.

The value is in resources for energy. Not precious metals for jewels. Think of lithium, your laptop, cell phones and cars use it. It’s like the oil of tomarrow.

My dad had the 1985 or 84.. Not positive on year. El Dorado Biarritz white interior, white and stainless roof and so sweet of a ride! Will never forget how classy that car looked. Never really liked the later models designs after it.

And don’t you just love the car with the presidential race from a decade ago. Seriously, it’s the one thing I really hate to see. Bush, Obama, Trump.. It’s time to get that shit off now. I would never put them on for even a day.

Great ideas. Also, I know for Android, you can buy a less than 20.00 Bluetooth adapter to use your own Xbox or other controller. I haven’t tried it yet, but there are instructions on the web how to easilconnect them.

What if the source is illegal?

There ya go

Bet you a dollar his moon dust isn’t real. Even though he may have paid millions. Then again, who knows, enough money can buy just about anything. Perhaps, he knows about the ongoing moon missions and got his sample there. Lol.

The pi is made for small overkill projects :)