
Dropbox should offer private encryption by default. For people who can't be bothered with that extra level of security, they can still encrypt them with their own key as they're doing now.

No, WP7 is that.

He sounded like a WP7 fanboy to me that is displeased this might actually be more successful than the WP7 phones.

You're underestimating how many people would prefer this over WP7. If I'm not mistake WP7 market share is still somewhere around 2%. Meego is a lot more compatible with old Symbian users than WP7 is. Most loyal Symbian users would just find WP7 weird and unfamiliar.

By 2050? We might as well ditch that algae based fuel and focus directly on ultra-capacitor based electric planes.

Their monopoly started to be in danger. That's what happened. So hooray for competition.

Sorry Americans, but I hope your economy will crash pretty badly soon. Not because I want you harm, but because you need a serious WAKE UP CALL. Your Government's spending needs a total overhaul. And perhaps a serious economic crash is what it's needed for you to re-evaluate your spending.

Just because Apple did it, doesn't mean any company can. I'm not an Apple fan, but Steve Jobs "overall" is a brilliant visionary, and that's what got the company back on track, with products such as iPod, Macbook Air, iPhone and iPad. How many companies can brag with so many successful product lines, where each make

That's what disruptive technology can do to even powerful market leaders. Too bad RIM's CEO's didn't get it (read Innovator's Dilemma).

It was always about storage.

Mediafire is not their site, so no.

It would be stupid if say someone found an Earth-like planet, and then patent it.

Tegra 2's maximum resolution was 1280x800, which is now in tablets. Tegra 3's maximum resolution is this one: 2500x1600. But yeah, I'd get a chip that is at least one generation ahead of supporting this type of display, just to be on the safe side.

I prefer the .com version even though I don't live in USA. Google makes it so hard to disable the personalization, in chrome's settings as well.

Stepping up by catching up?

The users may or may not lose something if their credit card information was compromised previously. But at least they (should) know about it and change their info. On the other hand, Sony has already lost close to $200 million because of the hacks and their downtime. This might continue to lose money with future

Actually this is like the 10th or something. I'm not exasperating, look it. It's just that not all the hacks were revealed on the big tech blogs because they weren't that dangerous or huge as this one. But I know for a fact they did at least 7 when I was counting them, and then I lost count. Sony is incompetent. They

"It's Windows. Everything just runs,"

It will be on the market in a few months. Even Amazon's Tegra 3 tablet is supposed to come out before end of the year.

I foresee a second revolution in Iran coming.